The Fate of the Universe

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I had been in the avengers compound for a few days. I had met Pepper, Tony's wife, Rhodes, Dr. Bruce Banner. Also known as the hulk., The vision, Sam wilson and a man named happy.

We were headed to Wakanda to somehow remove the mind stone from vivions head. There I would meet a man named Bucky barnes. He was an old friend of steves from the 40's. Tony went to god knows where.

"You should call them." Wanda said to me as we reached wakanda. She was sitting in front of vision

"And tell them what? I'm about to go to war with a purple crayon alien who wants to 'even out' the universe." I asked sarcastically. She just laughed as we landed.

I stood behind everyone during the exchange and then followed everyone as we walked. We soon stopped in front of a man. James. I think.

"Bucky. This is Rebel a friend." Steve said as he pulled me up front.

"It's nice to meet you rebel." James told me.

"You too james." I said with a smirk.

He scrunched his face up as I chuckled.

"This way." King t'challa said.

We walked into what seemed to be a lab and started talking about the stone and everything. Then we heard Sam through the communicators.


I looked out the window as I ran out to get suited up. I opened the suitcase and looked at the suit I wished to never wear again.

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AS i walked outside in my armor I saw Bucky on the front lines. I walked up beside him.

"When this ends i'll buy the drinks." I stated.

"Deal," he said.

"They gonna surrender?" he asked Steve as he walked to us.

"Not exactly.." Steve told us.

"Then we fight. Both for Wakanda and for the universe. " I said as I cracked my neck. Weird looking alien type creatures jumped out of the spacecraft and ran to the Wakandians border.

T'challa and his people started chanting. There were thousands of those alien animals. I started thinking of everyone back home. My birthday was a few days ago. Im 17. Seth will be 19 soon. What if i miss that. What if i loose him.

"What the hell?" Bucky asked/Stated.

"I love you seth." I said looking up to the sky then back to the battle.

"Looks like we pissed her off" Said Natasha as she had joined us seconds earlier.

The creatures tried to push them self through the border which cause them to be cut in half. But we all knew that the border would not last long.

"They're killing themselves." I heard one of tacheles warriors state.

A few of the creatures made it through the border. Everyone beside me and a few raised their weapons and started fighting. Sam and Rhodes were shooting bombs and guns close to the border in their suits.

I blocked out everyone talking and concentrated on my powers. I felt everyone was 100 percent accurate.

"Let them in." I said.T'challa looked at me then at his warrior, then he pressed his ear piece,

"My signal open the northwest section 17...................On my signal"

I created orbs of energy in my hand. Ready to release at any moment.

Tachale walked forward and shouted "WAKANDA FOREVER!!" Everyone charged forward including me. Tachcala and Steve were in front of all of us.
I watched as the barrier opened.

This was it. I blasted energy orbs at multiple creatures till I was tackled by one. WE restled till i scrapped my arms around his neck and snapped it. I got angry and shifted thank god i created a bionic cover so my armor would still be on my body when i shifted back. I ran through and bite the aliens heads off. I quickly shifter back after a few minutes in my wolf. I grabbed my gun and fired at everything in my way.

I soon was crouched by Bucky as he and a racoon were firing the weapons.

"How much for the gun?" The racoon asked as he jumped down from James arm.

"Not for sale." James Stated as we started firing the aliens again.

"OKay how much for the arm?" He asked. I chuckled.

Bucky looked at him and walked away. I ran to the right and through my gun down and grabbed my Katana. Slicing them in half.

I felt claws go through my back as i let out a scream. I spun around and slides it open. I felt the liquid spill down my back.


I read over Rebels letter for what seems like the 1 millionth time since she fleft 3 and half weeks ago.

We informed the cullens what was happening and Leech and Leech lover decided to postpone their wedding.

What was rebel tahiniking?

Thast when i noticed it in the bottom right corner in little writing it was a number. Number 463.

Her journal. I ran up stairs and entered her room that no one had touched sinc she left. I opened her box and grabbed her journal and found page 464.

And i read it

Gather everyone and say your goodbyes. Selena. Im afraid we might not win this battle.


I read over it 7 different times and i decided to do as she asked.

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