Birthday Surprise

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It's been almost 3 months since the Cullen left Bella depressed and is using Jacob as a rebound, Rebel was depressed at first but she has gotten better and realized that she didn't need the Cullen and Embry and Quill joined the pack, and Jacob's next.

 Emily and Sam talked her into having a birthday. She eventually told the pack about the scars and they cried. Her and Selena call every night. Sam has finalized the adoption he only needs Rebels signature, every one from the Rez I invite its going to be a bonfire with music, dancing, and most important food. Sue and her family, Billy, and the pack.

Me and the pack were waiting for Emily to finish cooking and Rebel was on her run when Quill asked" so did you figure out how you were gonna ask"

" not yet but we'll figure it out " I responded. At that cue Emily said set the table and Rebel came in.

"Howdy everybody" She said with her southern slang
Morning everyone replied and we ate and talk about her birthday and school. Her graduations almost here to.

The next 2 weeks were packed with parole, birthday planning and buying, and finishing school.

"Alright is everyone ready" I said to the pack as we were outside rebels room.
I received a nods "3....2....1.."

We busted the door open and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"

 She jumped out the bed and fell on the floor we all laughed as she rubbed her eyes. She stood up and hugged up then kissed me on the cheek. She then stood back and took a deep breathe in all me and the boys could do was smile because we knew what was gonna happen next.

"FOOOOOOD" She screamed the ran downstairs. We all laughed once again.

We walked down the stairs to see Rebel already eating. She's 16 already wow.
We sat down Emily on my lap and we ate and talked about how we slept and such. Then SLAP 

"Ow" Paul said

 "don't touch my food or well fight troll" Rebel responded with we all laughed at his new nickname. 

And now we finished eating and rushed her upstairs to get dressed. Something casual because we promised he nothing fancy I looked out back and saw the banners and table everything was set up.

I got dressed in Red ankle boots, black ripped jeans, and a crop top that Emily bought me that said finally 16 lol
When I finished showering and getting dressed it was 11:29 so i headed down stairs..

i woke up at 10 so after my shower and getting dressed it was almost 1. I asked Emily to braid my hair. My hair is at my waist so it took her a good 15 to 20 minutes. The clock said *1:12pm*

"I cant believe i'm 16"i said to Emily as she finished she giggled and said"Me either your getting grown" We laughed and headed to the mall that was one of her surprises. WE shopped till about 5 when we decided to head home.*This is the best birthday ever* I haven't stopped smiling since this morning.


As we got home we put everything away and buy then it was 6:53 and Sam came upstairs and said the guest have arrived. She didn't want many people so we invited the pack, Sue and Harry and their kids, and Billy and Jacob but Jacob was with a friend. 

She walked out side and everyone said happy birthday to her.

"Wheres Leah and Seth at?" i asked Sue while she was hugging Rebel she let go and said

"Oh here they come now" Rebel turned around and froze.?!


I had my arm on Emily's waste when Sue told her Seth and Leah were behind Rebel. When Rebel turned around she Froze that's when i knew she imprinted on Seth Clearwater. That pack and elders noticed and Smiled at the girl.


I turned around and I saw the most Handsome boy he was around 16 or 17 but when We made eye contact the world around me went in slow-motion and i saw a vision



You become whatever he or she needs

A protector

She saw *Her in her wolf form standing in-front of Seth*

A lover

She saw*Her and Seth on the beach Seth's arm on her waist kissing her lips with love*

Or a friend

She saw*he and Seth sitting on a log talking*

That when she realized


*HOLY SHIT I JUST IMPRINTED ON SUE AND HARRY'S SON* i thought i snapped out of it and noticed he was a few feet away from me when her reached me i heard him say in the most angelical voice ever

"Hi you must be Rebel. My names Seth and this is my sister Leah" I responded with

" Hi yeah T-That's me its nice to meet y'all" the pack giggled and laughed because I stuttered

"Nice accent i can tell were gonna be great friends"Leah spoke up 

"Yeah me too"

We Danced, had food drinks non-alcoholic for kids, cake and ice-cream we were opening gifts and i got: A new phone (i broke mine), Air pods, White air-forces, a phone case, Jewelry, Sweat pants, Hoodies, and Art supplies. I couldn't stop smiling and glancing at Seth every now and then and i thanked everyone. 

Then Paul spoke up..........


Sam gave me the look so i started the plan and stated"I bet i can make Rebel cry"

she glared at me when a few chuckled she retorted with"no you cant"

"Wanna bet 20 bucks"

"Sure" we shook on it when Sam handed her a brown large envelope. She looked confused. 

She opened it and started reading the papers then she sat them on the table and covered her face we all then knew she was crying.

Emily's said"Aww baby dont cry" she help her head up and wiped her tears she then handed me 20 bucks and a few people laughed.Sam then spoke up and said

"So what do you say " everyone grew silent when she said

"What do i say?! What do i say.... Where do i sign?" then everyone started cheering as she signed the paper.


we all cheered When Sam said"Everybody welcome Rebellious Dawn-Uley." "We all cheered i hugged her and congratulated her. She was pretty but i didn't do anything because i had a girlfriend I got her number before we left so we could hang out.


"So can i call you mom and dad now"i asked and i was in bed half asleep to Emily and Sam. they responded with

"only if you want to"

"Okay goodnight mom and dad"

"Good night sweetie/hun" they both said. Then darkness........

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