First Day Of School

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I woke up Monday *ughhhhhh.* i thought School day great. I woke up at 4:35 from my nightmares but reluctantly I got a 30 minute shower.

 I got dressed in black high wasted ripped jeans and a black cropped top that said coffee with my black ankle boots. It was around 5:15 so I decided to cook breakfast which was just a bowl of cereal and coffee. I watched TV till about 7 when I got a text.

EMILY-Good morning have a good day at school sweetheart
Me- Morning thanks you have a good day too

SAM-Morning Dawn. Dont forget you got patrol after school with me and Paul.
Me-Sure I'll head over right after school.

PAUL-Mornin short-stack
Me-I will hit you
PAUL-aggressive lol
Me - haha I'll see u after school.
Paul-kk bye

Then I saw it was 7:30 so I grabbed my wallet, backpack, keys, pocket knife just in case, my phone, and put on my leather jacket and headed to school. When I got there everyone was looking like ughhhhh.

 *I smelled vampires* I thought as i walked in the doors. A Asian looking guy came over and said

"Hi your Rebellious Dawn right. I'm Eric"

"Just Rebel"i said

" Do you need any help? A friend? A tourists? A shoulder to cry on" He sucks at flirting

" mornin and I don't cry" he looked at me shocked

" do you know where the office is?" He showed me the office and I got my schedule I walked into my first period and I saw 2 vampire sitting in the back next to each other the other other seat was at the end beside the girl. The teacher told me to sit there.

When i sat down I noticed she didn't smile at all the guy did tho. So I decided to do something I put my hand under the table and they both looked I held my hand open and Red flower grew. She was amazed and he was shocked. I handed her the flower and she took it and I said

" you should smile more it suits you. I'm Rebellious Dawn by the way but call me Rebel." She smiles and said

" I'm Rosalie and this is Emmett" He waved and I said

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me" as i said that i sen them a wink they understood what I meant and nodded and class began. I had meet Jasper and Alice. 

Alice said she saw me coming. She said we could sit with them and lunch and Rose asked too so i agreed. *(P.S. THIS IS 3 MONTHS BEFORE THE CULLINS LEFT)*

I sat down by jasper and asked Rose if rebel was coming when she points. I looked to where she was pointing and she saw rebels I skipped to her grabbed her arm and brought her to the table and sat her beside me and I said 

" Edward Bella this is Rebel"

"Well why is she sitting with us?" Bella asked in a rude tone which made me sad but I didn't show it but it made everyone except Edward mad before anyone could say anything Rebel spoke up and it shocked me but I was happy she stood up for me


"Well why is she sitting with us" a girl asked when assumed to be bells she was very rude. Alice got sad but she didn't show it and it ticked me off because she was my friend so I said

" Because she asked me to. And imma talk a wild guess and say your just sitting here because you dating him."

She didn't say anything so I start a conversation with with everybody. I asked Edward in my mind if he didn't tell Bella bout me being a wolf and he agreed. All the Cullen but Bella knew. I became very close with Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and especially Rosalie which pissed Bella off. The rest of the day was a breeze but I was tired and bored. 

So as soon as school let out I headed to Sam's and Emily's when I got there I parked and heard all the boys playing around i did and hour of collage.

I ate a quick snack that Emily made for me and when i finished Same told me and Paul it was time for patrol. Patrol was fun but stressful.


I walked the house and hug from everyone else, and i hugged Emilys she kissed my head and I kissed her scars and she giggled."What?"

I asked confused as the boys smiled. "Sam does the same thing when he comes in" She stated

"oh ok" as we sat at the table eating a muffin.

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