Meeting My Birth Mother

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Rebel's mother found her 3 days ago but Rebel doesn't know yet. Rebel has only seen one picture of her.

Rebel and Seth have been on a few dates and Rebel has spent time with the Cullens. 

Bella And Edward will be sending invitations soon.


The Pack, Elders, And imprints were waiting for the 4 NEWLY weds to come home. I was beyond happy.   Then I heard a knock and I jumped up thinking it was mom and dad.  

“I've got it,” I told them.   They nodded. I opened it with a smile but it faded a little when I didn't see mom, dad, Leah, and Selena but there was a woman.

 *She seemed…...Familiar*

“Can I help you?”I asked politely. When i said that she looked like she was about to cry

“You sound just like your father.” I was confused

“Um Ma'am are you at the right place?”

“Rebellious?”  I was freaked I mind-linked the pack 

*There's a weirdo at the door and she knows my name.* I heard footsteps.

“How do you know my name?” I was on full alert.

“Im your mom” The pack was behind me

“W-What?!” I was pissed and shocked.

“Hi. My name's Emma Dawn. I'm your mom” She opened her arms. But I backed up. To be hugged be seth. She looked hurt and annoyed. Paul walked up

“You can uhh….Come in I guess.” 

*What the hell is going on?*

We all walked to the Living room. I sat on Seth's lap. 

“Why now?” I asked cutting to the chase

“I've been looking for you,” She said. I scoffed.

“I'm your mom but yet you… don't seem happy to see me.” She tried to sound hurt.

“Actually I am happy to see my mom” She started smiling but it fell when i said

 ”But she hasn't made it back yet. She'll be here in a few minutes.”   

I was Angry, Hurt, Confused, Betrayed, Disgust, Sadness, Pain, Hatred, it was all over the place. 

“WHy are you really here? Why look for me now of all times.” I was getting angry but Seth was helping.

“Your father died. The Elders say that I will die. A disease was in some of the meat me and your father ate. I need your help” I felt disgusted. I stood up so did she




Me, Emily and Leah and Selena met up at the airport and caught a cab and headed home.

“Who's that?” Sleena pointed out as the cab stopped.

“I don't know, come on, '' I said. We got our luggage and walked inside to see Rebel stand up and a random Blonde stand up after her.

“No”Rebel said

“What?” The blonde asked. Seth walked over and whispered

“That's Rebels mom Emma '' Emily looked shocked and so did everyone else. When The girl Emma spoke

“What do you mean ‘No’?”

“No do you wanna hear it in spanish?.......No” Rebel said A few stifled a laugh

“Please you can help me and we can finally put this nightmare behind us.” Emma tried to reason with her. I went to say something but Rebel spoke faster.

“I personally hope the Dang’um disease is true. You can all rot in hell...for all i care” Rebel spoke with venom in her voice her eyes turned red a little. 

“I'm just sorry i wont be there to see it” She goes to walk away and she sees us she smiles but it drops when emma asks

“Where are you going?” Rebel quickly turned around and said

“None of your business!” Emma looked……..Annoyed? 

“Alright there is nothing for you here” Rebel states

“Rebellious” Emma said with tears that looked….kinda fake if i'm being honest.

“You know that's not true.” Emma says, walking towards her.

”Your family” Emma says but Rebell cuts her off

“Do not lecture me about family!! Mother or not! ”  Rebel then looked her dead in the eye as Emily gripped my arm.

“Now you may have spent your entire life searching for me. But I never for a second wanted you. And I will never need you.”

“But I'm your moth-”Emma started but was then cut off by Rebel again.

“MY MOTHER’S NAME IS EMILY ULEY. And she is the most caring, protective, beautiful, strong, independent person I have ever met and I would never understand what a real family feels like if it wasn't for my father SAM ULEY and my mother EMILY ULEY taking me in. ''

 Emily runs over and hugs Rebel as Rebel breaks down.

“So you're her mother.?!” Emma spoke to Emily.

“Watch it,” I warned her.

“Yeah I am her mother you get centered bitch,” Emily said which shocked us all.

“ANd if you don't get the hell outta this town I will RIP YOU APART!!!” Emily warned her.

Emma went to smack her when Rebel used her magic to finger her in the wall. 

Emma got up and went to tackle Rebel but Rebel grabbed her throat and slammed her into the coffee Table. Luckily it didn't break. 

“You do not come into my town - Threaten the people I care about...Going after my mom - Bad move.” Rebel spoke with so much venom and rage.

“You leave her alone, or I will rip you to bits, Because I DO believe in killing the messenger. YOu know why? ” She was breathing heavily as the ground was shaking and the wind was hard. 

“Because it sends a message.” Emily went to Rebel and pulled her in a hug and whispered something to her. 

“Get out!!!” Emily screamed. Emma looked scared so she got up and ran..

“Daddy” Rebels said as she ran over. I hugged her tight and everyone joined. 

 “I hated her thoughts” She mumbles over and over again in my arms eventually she passes out from crying and Selena and the other imprints went  to help change her.

When they were done Seth went up. Everyone laid down after awhile. I was just worried about my daughter.

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