Bella Meets Emily

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"Hey I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay." I stated with worry

"I hope Rebel sinks her teeth in him serves him right"Jared said which makes me more worried
"No way" Embry argued "Jacob's a natural did you see his phase on the fly? It got five bucks Rebel doesn't touch him.."

"5 bucks Rebel gets him" Jared fired back I was still in the truck.

"Come one in Bella we wont bite" Embry called out.

"Speak for yourself" Jared said as he walked inside. I reluctantly got out. I walked up to the house but Embry stopped me

"Oh hey about Emily Sams fiance. Don't stare it bugs Sam and Rebel."

"Why would I stare?" With that I walked in as someone spoke

"you guys hungry? Like I have to ask." She turned towards me and i saw three long scars down her face. " Who's this?" She asked Embry and Jared.

They told her" Bella swan who else."

"Hm so your the vampire girl" I stated not very amused.

So your the.. the wolf girl" she said I chuckled lightly

" guess so... well I'm the mom and engaged to one." I set the muffins down when Jared went to grab one I stopped him and said

"Save some for your brother and sister and ladies first. Muffin?" I offered her.

"Uh sure" she replied

"Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sams gag orders" I stated to Embry and hared when Bella said

"um he didn't say anything to me" when Embry interrupted

"that's a wolf thing alphas orders get obeyed wither we want to or not.... oh and check it out we can hear each others thoughts."

Jared then said" Just shut up! These are trade secrets d*** It this chicken runs with vampires"

" you can't really run with vampires"   She was acting weird  " because their fast"

"Yeah?" Jared asked " Well were faster. Freaked out yet?"

Your not the first monsters I've met"    *monsters* I thought to myself
Then Sam walked in and said

 "Jake's right you are good with weird. "


As we walked in behind dad I heard him say " Jake's right you are good with weird."

 As u walked in Jake playfully pushed me and I laughed. 

I saw dad kiss mom and her scars and Bella looked jealous while Embry and Jared stuffed their face as Paul sat down. 

I walked over to mom and kissed her scars and she said

" How's my southern baby" I laughed and said

"I'm okay Jake's got a lil scar though" when I said that Embry handed Jared 5 dollars all I did was laugh as I sat down.

When I did dad said sternly" Rebellious" I signed faced Bella and said

" I'm sorry" then grabbed a muffin and Jake signaled Bella outside.

"You don't think he'll tell her about you?"

"No I ordered him not to say a word about you except that your our daughter and a wolf" dad said to ease me a little bit. 

I nodded and continued to stuff my face. As they laughed at me. 


Over the time Seth grew a crush on Rebel and Rebel doesn't read anyone's mind with out permission.

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