The Avengers

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3 days later no one could get Rebel out of her room. Night mares gave her restless nights, everyone would wake up from her screams and no one could help. Seth hated himself for feeling so useless. Paul, Leah, selena, seth, emily, and sam were all sitting down stairs.

But on another side of the world a war was going to happen.

"Fury!!" Agent romanoff yelled as the avengers entered shield organizations.

"Ah Natasha, glad you could join us. We have 2 recruits who could help us agents thanos." Nick Fury informed the team as they sat at the table.

"Who?" Tony Stark asked.

"Rebellious Dawn. Now known as Rebellious Dawn-Uley and her sister Selena Carpenter. Both escaped the red room when she was 14 and Selena was 16-" He started but was cut off by captain Steven rogers.

"Wait more black widows?"

"No, these two were experiments. Selena was a failure but rebellious was successful. Selena was known as the Shadow warrior. And rebellious was known as the white wolf." Gasps were heard throughout the group.

"The duo who had killed thousands of people?" Wanda asked

"Were not working with murders." Tony ststed.

"This is not negotiable. We leave at dawn." with that he walked out..


I finally gathered the courage to go down stairs. When I reached the bottom step everyone stood up and I was engulfed in a hug by seth. I breathed in his scent and smiled. I missed him.

'How will the avengers stop this threat? What is it? Where did it come from and can they help us?' I heard the lady on tv say. Selena gasped and turned it off.

"what ?" Dad asked.

"You might wanna sit down." I told them as they all sat down.

"In the red room we had to kill people. There's no easy way to say it. Me and Selena were known as the shadow killers. We killed thousands and had no recollection of it. "

"We were like ghosts. The avengers tried to capture us but they were never good. After time when we escaped we hid and they gave up finding us."

"Wow." Seth said processing the information he just received.

"It's not your fault." Mom said as she hugged me and a crying selena.

"Maybe but we could redeem ourselves." I said as I looked at selena.

She shook her head, "Okay" I said to her.

"What?" Mom asked but then we heard an aircraft.

"What the hell is that?" Paul asked. We ran outside to see something that made me grab Selena and put her behind me. A shield plane.

It opened and the avengers got out. There were only 5. A new girl, Natahsa, Steve, a robot, and Nick.

"Selena Carpenter! Rebellious Dawn-Uley." Fury stated. They were not armed.

"We didn't know what we were doing. We were kids." I said to him in a plea.

"I know. But we need your help. Can we talk inside?" He asked.

"Come inside. I'm her mother Emily and this is her father. Sam." Mom told him.

"Ah yes Mrs.Uley. Pleasure to meet you" he said, shaking her hand. As we walked inside.

We sat at the table. Well they were standing behind selena.

"What do you need?" I asked cutting to the chase.

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