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A normal day, that at the detective agency.

"What are the ways in taking your own life?" Dazai utter as he type something on his phone. A grin; a stupid grin, appeared in his lips.

Dazai being himself searching for ways to die, as being a suicidal he is. While Kunikida is being annoyed to Dazai, cause of him being once again lazy, Kenji being a child, Ranpo eating sweets so does Kyoka and everything they are doing their "normal" routines.

And there's Atsushi; the tiger, no I mean the innocent among all of them, their cinnamon roll.

Just doing his works not minding the chaos happening around him.Which is kinda weird of him he normally tries to stop or join everyone in the calmest way.


So basically everyone is on there own stuff doing some chaos or anything and so do i but there is one person who is really focus on the things his doing i mean i kinda find it weird 'should i talk to him.... yea that would be nice'

Dazai: "Hey atsushi why so quiet today busy doing "works"~" i said in a teasing voice

atsushi: "o-Ohh hi dazai-san" atsushi said with a small smile but a bit nervous...

Dazai: "Sooo~

atsushi: "no uhh just feel like it just wanna finish all the works so i could have a break; hehe" said nervously

I feel like atsushi is lying...
i feel like... something really is up..somethings not good is going on here...

Dazai: "Ohh~ is that so well then goodluck!!~

atsushi: " y-yea thank you dazai-san"

i did just let it slide for now... i still need to confirm if there really something wrong happening here*looks a atsushi without him noticing with his a bit serious face and smile*

atsushi's pov

dazai-san finally leave's my desk i can't believe i just lie on him i feel really bad i just...
i don't know what's happening to me anymore...

junichiro: "Hey! you ok there buddy?"

i snap out of my thought's someone ask me..

atsushi: "ohh ahh hi there junichiro-kun and yea i'm ok" i say with a bit smile

junichiro: " you sure you don't look well??" junichiro said not buying what i said

atsushi: " yea i'm pretty sure just need to finish these paper's"

junichiro: "hmm ok then u can hang with us here ya know"

atsushi: "ohh ok lemme just finish this and i'm all good i only have one left^^"

junichiro: " ok then later!" say's walking back to the group

atsushi:"later!" *wave a bit*

ok soo absolutely haft of that was true i'm not ok....
i don't know what's happening to me?
ever since this morning headache i'm really not myself anymore...
it's like not a normal headache it's like a memory.....
but does that mean....
i really don't know myself at all..?

this though continue till i finish my work i went to the group joining them like normal day's but i wasn't really the same me anymore...

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now