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Silence is all that could be heard here and there people stand and stared at the duo who is black and white standing side by side, that doesn't care and continue to stare that scares the people around
them;Some people to be exact
Questions filled their heads once again.
All around them, whispers rises, every thing can be heard by they're ears, each sound is like a ring that could make your ears bleed.
But some some only stand there and stare, with questions filling up the minds, its visible in their eyes that they want answers, atsushi and akutagawa only stand there looking straight to nowhere not daring to say anything or even make any noise
Time past by and still theres no movement are made not even a step or sway of hands only the winds are dancing together with the fog that is coming from the buildings that has been struck down and flames that came from the broken cars while oil is puring out leaking on the ground.
"Surprise indeed~!" One shout; fyodor to be exact excitement filled his voice clearly can be seen by the eye, people became annoyed by the childishness he's showing; grinning widely, and that excited expression he's making is just irritating
"Sorry to bother your 'staring contest' but it's getting boring" he said while shrugging and pouting out of boredom but soon it turned into a grin once again when the white haired boy walk up to him without any expressions
He stop just about a few meters from him and looked up to him
"I didn't expect you to arrive earlier than planned" he said
"Suprise indeed right?" Fyodor said still smiling with his monotone voice "at least i came as promise" he continued and tap atsushi's shoulder while atsushi didn't seem to bother and still on he's poker face

"What is the meaning of this? What promise?" Mori seem to have regained his composure and was able ask his question " oh? Never thought someone like you would be interested on barging on other peoples business now huh...mori-sensei" fyodor teasingly and sarcastically replied
Mori narrows his eyes to fyodor
"Oh well it is my business too if 'my' son and member is involved aren't i?" He reasons forming a his usual smile.

Atsushi but his lower lip at the comment while akutagawa looked at him with unreadable face. The walked up to him then pat his shoulder, atsushi shook and immediately look at akutagawa reassuring him everythings going to be okay, they were silence for a a while then a soft small smile formed in atsushi's face then nod to akutagawa
Their interaction went unnoticed by the others as their focus to fyodor who has the spot light of the day.
Akutagawa and atsushi both look at the commotion going on in front of them thinking 'everything will be ok don't worry aku/jinko'

"My my~ are you sure about that port mafia's current leader Mo-ri-sen-sei?" Fyodor tried to act innocent while teasing Mori which cause Mori to become irritated, bit he's holding himself back not to attack just yet. Fyodor is a strong- no- very strong enemy he is smart and a psychopath
"What do you mean....fyodor?"
He ask back "Well what i mean is that they're currently your enemy right? So why do you still treat them as if their still on your side" Fyodor said shrugging stating
The obvious
Mori opens his mouth to say something but closes it again not knowing what to say 'that's right they're our enemies in this war...a war that's suppose to be between ada and the port mafia turned into a big twist...what do i do, this guy is smarter than me." Mori panics in his mind but doesn't show it to the other as he continue to glare at Fyodor
"Thats right- they're our enemies in this fight--" Mori shook his head up and looked directly at the source of the voice and it was Dazai 'Is he...helping me?' "but
That doesn't mean they're not our Friends, and Family."

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now