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(Flashback of chapter 10: Let's talk)

"So shall we get started"

'I was nervous... I mean who wouldn't when your talking face to face a the boss of the frickin port mafia!?' i had a sweat drop on my cheeks, and mori-san seems to enjoy what's happening here

After sometime later i'm trying to calm myself down by breathing in and out....
And look up to mori-san, i need to focus
This is not just a simple matter but a very important and personal-
I don't know what his planning but i need to think- i need a plan to stop it no matter what happened... When i say no matter what i meant it.
Even if it cause my life, or even be hated.... As long as i succeed to ruin whatever he's planning.

(So uhh quick break here so- idk what kind of convo i should add here.... Hehe oops? )

"So atsushi-kun... It seems like your thinking about something would you like to share it to me???" Mori-san suddenly talk snapping me out of my thoughts i look at my him thinking of a response " I- uhh... Um it's- noth- i mean-" i stutter to every i meant every single word wait did i even compose a word? Bruh- " Now now, no need to panic...
Well i guess it's kinda fine to because you look like a cute as a panicking cat ahahaha" Mori-san tease me, i blush from the statement " oh well, why don't we go straight to the business?" Mori-san said turning back to his "normal" calm self i guess, once he said that i sat back straight, looking straight to him " yes.... Umm so- why'd you call me today?" I ask " There's only one thing i want from from you atsushi-kun" mori-san said with a very serious aura " A-and that is....?" 'Shhhhhhiiiiiii did i just stutter?! Ok atsushi calm down.....'

" Join mafia "

"Huh?, Join the mafia? That's just.....
What? You can't be serious right Mori-san?"
I ask unsure if he was joking or not... He smiled once again .... smile.... The smile i know that smile.... He wasn't joking at all...

"So? What do you think?" He smirk
I look down for a second.... ' what should i do... I can't just betray them like that... Can i..' i look up ' and it looks like he won't let me take down this offer. But what if this is a chance to bring peace between mafia and detective agency' i thought positively ' but I-' " are just gonna keep on staring at me atsu-chan??" He tease me ' wait- atsu-chan?'
"Huh? At- su- chan?" I ask with a slight pinky cheeks i mean who wouldn't blush in such a surprise name??
"Hmm? Oh~ yes. Is it bad for me to give you nickname? I mean after all i'm still your-"

" no! It's not that i just caught me off guard, i'm lost with my own thoughts then you suddenly call me that... Its just that." I explained cutting him of on what he's about to say.
"Eh? Ok so it's settled" he says looking at me calmly "settled?" I ask ' but i haven't decided to join yet .. what does he mean by- " my thought was cut off " i'll be calling you Atsu-chan from now on!" He state proudly and acting like a child
I was dumbfounded "oh you mean that ahaha" i awkwardly laugh  

"Yes yes of course UvU✨"

" Well we've buy enough time, your answer atsushi?" He ask bringing a shiver to my spine 'oh... What a mood change, he was like a proud 'innocent' cat there, then back to a devil....' i sweat drop  going back to my composure "so?" He ask i don't know if he's impatient or what it's just that.... If it for the best then...
"I-... I'll do it." I said looking straight at his eyes " if this will bring piece between port mafia and ada then i'll do it.." i explain
He smiled " sure thing but- we'll have you reveal to the final war between pm and ada" he state " your planning a final war..." I was shock " indeed i am in fact its already finish what were waiting for is the day. So i want you to bring them the warning don't attract any suspicion then everything will be perfect... All we need to do id to defeat them no.. bring them despair and everything will be good" he explain

" i- i'm *sigh* as long as we both achieve what we want then everything will go smoothly."

Ahhhh finally that's done....
So i just agreed to join him and betray ada... Wow i can't believe my self....
Defeat ada? Bring them despair? Is that why he wants me to reveal myself on that time?
Hmm no. I need to do something no one will be defeated no one will will between this two organisation.
Guess so i need to do something risky its my only choice
I'll him first then, them...
Either i die or him..., No, no one will die
Just as it was let them stay as rivals but everything will be peaceful thats my goal and i will make sure... This will happen

" They will hate you for your betrayal thats for sure and it will cause them to weakens because of despair knowing that their most trust worthy member is their betrayer ahahH"

I remember what he said... Why....
Is this the right decision, its for their good right? Right?

No i'm i-...  I'm not sure....

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now