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(weeks later)

atsushi pov.

every morning new memory will come i don't like this anymore...
it really hurts
i need to go to work
this headache wasn't like my last headache's

i was already on the office
everyone is doing their normal routine as ever
but i just sat there not wanting to join the chaos, not wanting to talk, i just wanna rest, i just want this headache gone...cause it really is hurt "-shi" i want "at-" to sleep and "atsu-" i will watch this memory on my sleep..."-sushi!" and remember another and another and!- "ATSUSHI!!"

atsushi: "huh?"

kunikida: " don't "huh" me. what happened?"

junichiro: "are u ok you've been staring at the floor for a long time now" ask worried

atsushi: "huh uhh no i'm fine... just thinking"

kunikida: *sign* "ok then don't overthink so much" kunikida-san said a bit annoyed

junichiro: " Don't make us worried again ok?"

naomi: "yea!!"

atsushi: " ahahah ok i'll try??" i said a bit nervous

ranpo: "hmm i wonder...."
" atsushi... what we're u thinking?" ranpo-san ask out of no where

atsushi: "heh?"
"uhh...ahaha...uhmm" "nothing it's just a nonsense so yea".   " hehe" i let out a nervous laugh

ranpo: ok th-

Dazai: "i'm not buying it" dazai-san said in his serious face

i was shock i didn't even know what to say....this headache really is a thing now but..

Dazai: "stop lying atsushi"

atsushi: " w-what do you m-mean dazai-san?"

dazai: "let's just say about what your thinking and If your ok.."

atsushi: "but-"

dazai: " no. atsushi you are not fine"
" you don't think i haven't been noticing your actions this past weeks?"

atsushi: ....
"i- i'm fine, i don't know what your talking about dazai-san"

kunikida: " what do you even mean by that dazai"

dazai: "i say that, ataushi is not ok"

kyoka: " but he's perfectly fine standing in front of us?

Kenji: "yea"

yosano: "hmm yea i guess i can agree with dazai here"

kunikida: "and why is that?" kunidika ask confused

yosano: " just as dazai said, based on atsushi's weird actions this past weeks there really is something wrong happening" said explaining

atsushi: "no- bu-"

Dazai: "atsushi  tell me. what's.  wrong?"

atsushi: "nothing's wrong!"

junichiro: "atsushi?"
naomi: "eh-?"
Kenji: "atsushi-kun?"
kunikida: "atsushi?
ranpo: "hooo~"
yosano: "hmm"

dazai: " atsushi.. tell me"

this... everything making my head hurt i don't know everything is a mess everything why arggh!!
why... WHY!?

Atsushi: " i told you i'm fin-"

I put my hand on my head it hurts so much,
my head hurts everything is blurry why do i feel like everything is spinning that i can't balance my body anymore, my legs can't hold my body any longer please make it stop.... just what is this memory
i can't hold it any longer then.....

I collapse..

Dazai's pov

atsushi snap well that's unexpected i just want him to say his problem or anything
but why do you have to lie atsushi....

Atsushi: " i told you i'm fin-"

before he could even finish atsushi put his hand on his head he's groaning a bit. i check on him but it's like something.... like headache but this thing didn't looks like any normal headache..
after a few minutes atsushi collapse...

Before he even get to the floor i catch him....
well thank god i did... but what just happened
maybe i should ask him when he wake up but for now he needs to be take care of...
well in that case i will leave him to yosano..

Yosano is a scary Doctor like you would definitely try to run her way of treating is not like the other i mean that's what she's good at...
But it really helps a lot...

junichiro: "what just happened..?"

dazai: "yosano take care of him..."

Yosano: "ok i'll take care of him.." *sign*
"you two come with me"

so then Yosano take him to the clinic with the help of kenji and junichiro
welp that was a show...

dazai: "ok let's go back on what we're doing let's mind this problem later"

Everyone go back on their own task...
then kenji and junichiro came back and also go back on doing there own business....
while yosano was taking care of atsushi.

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now