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"who are they"

" Aren't we the one who's supposed to be asking that instead of him?" Some people ask themselves
I mean it's true he's the one who knows this....this person so why would he even asking them some kind of question.
Indeed we all know he wants us to prove that we are Worth in on our positions right now but, how does this even connected to that? I just doesn't make sense...
Questions pop up here and there but their unable to find an answer. An answer that they need to find out themselves without even a single clue; not even a tiniest clue are given to make thing simple and 'easy'. But no. Their here just standing their brainstorming who this people might be.
I mean It will help them right?
Even though they ask, their sure; very sure that him; Fyodor won't give them even a bit or a glimpse on this hint. So why even bother asking him. You might be thinking Ranpo could just use his ability so that they could figure it out already without a problem. Let's say your right but the problem is even if he try he won't get anything from it, everything will be a blank.

Fyodor's gaze give them(some) shivers as if he's looking through their souls, a huge smile spread all over his face. With that they know for sure that his up to something they don't know if it's good or bad guess they have to find out.
"What is this? I thought by now you would've figure it out already... specially some of you" Fyodor look directly to Dazai, Mori, and of course Ranpo. He stayed silent for a while then says "Well how about I give you sa very, very, very simple clue to make it easy" Fyodor offered them as if he knows their begging for a food that they've been waiting from the start. Immediately they're attention is all on Fyodor waiting patiently for him to talk. Smirk grew from his face " Well~ let's see....hmmmmm" he shrug and pretend to think " Oh! Here-" He exclaimed excitedly. He could feel their gaze that are focus; very focus on him waiting and waiting every second pass feels like a thousand of years that they've been standing and waiting. "They give you all a lot, when I say a lot it means a lot of surprises Today or in this certain event" he said making sure to pin point the main clue he glance at them but it was unnoticed by the others. He look around the people that seems to be digging a whole in their brains just so they would find who. The whole thing become a game that he controls after all who ever break the rule shall be punish, they don't know they're under he's control as the game master of the unknown game with unknown rules, and most certainly unknown punishment. He's smile never leave his face, enjoying every second of the scene and his smile grow bigger and bigger as if he's been waiting for a certain moment.

Dazai's eyes grow bigger from a sudden discovery he look at ranpo to confirm and he responded the same so he was right.
Their the only people he could think disappearing and appear again turning up as a 'traitor' or maybe even a spy he's not sure which, but that doesn't matter now. He also turned out to be his son... That's not a lot but- you could also say it as that because on what this are. Mostly surprises are for happy events, but not everytime it's for that, surprises can be sad, can be scary, I can also end into tragedy theirs a lot. I don't know if I feel betrayed but right now all I know is that I've been looking at them... Specially him..
He glance back at me, he smiled though it's not he's usual one it is a smile that full of guild, pain and sadness.
I look around and seems like a lot of them get it the ada and some executives of port mafia but not all. The only ones who seems to figured it is Mori of course I couldn't expect less from him, chuuya, koyo, and Elise, I could also assume that gin too.

I bit my lips...and look at Fyodor he look back at me taking it as a message. Actually I was still shock that why I feel like I'm trembling 'Oh dear odasaku please guide us' I prayed mentally. "Oh seems like you've figured it out" his smile still the same oh how I want rip those lips of yours so you could stop smiling you stinky rat
"Well?" He ask I opened my mouth but I can't make a sound I close the again to breath " their.... there's no doubt it's- them right?" I for sure know my voice are trembling but I'm glad that only I know that and no one noticed. I look down to calm myself and this time I look up and look directly to his eyes. "It's akutagawa and atsushi." I said more firm this time his smile ones again grew and celebrate as if there is a birthday party. "BINGO!, Your answer is correct!! *Sigh* really~ I knew you're the first person to find out BRAVO, Dazai bravo..." The first part has a childish tone but now it's full for venom.
This guy what could he be planning again.

Hello everyone sorry for a short chapter
I tried my best but yea idk when this story will end maybe when my mind can't take it anymore ahahahah
Just kidding btw I hope you enjoy the story plss comment any recommendations for the next chapter if ever y'all have an idea it would be a very very great help to me to continue this story.

Also congratulations K1yoCat for figuring out who THEY are!!

Bye see y'all next chapter.

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now