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(2 days after)
[yea his past out for 2 days ok back to the story]

Atsushi pov

i woke up not knowing what happened. what i see is a white ceiling in front of me...
then i hear the door open, i wonder who come in.

yosano: " ohh you're finally awake?"

atsushi: "..."

yosano: " can't talk?"

atsushi: "...."

yosano: " want some water?"
*hands over water*

atsushi: "thank you i guess.." i mumbled

yosano: " so you can talk....,"

there's a silent before us..
this is so awkward
the silence broke when someone come in...
ohh and its...

dazai: "atsushi-kun your finally awake!~"

atsushi: "..." i just stared at him.... and look back to my cup of water

dazai: "ohh?" "why would you ignore me atsushi-kun?~" said now clinging on me..

atsushi: "..." *just ignore him*

yosano: *sigh* " he won't talk neither to me*

dazai: " is that so that's weird"

i don't wanna talk...
I don't know why. i just wanna be alone
i just wanna sleep more... should i tell them?
yea maybe.

atsushi: "can i rest for a bit more?" i said enough for them to here.

yosano: "maybe let him sleep for more so that he would have a lot of energy"

dazai: "but it's so boring without atsushi!~"
said dramatically

yosano: "let him rest dazai" *starts getting annoyed*

dazai: " but-"

before dazai-san could finish what his going to say yosano-san grab his collar and throw him outside the clinic...

yosano: "finally.." sign in annoyance

atsushi: "uhh... thank you?"
i said a bit afraid
'why does girls are so scary' *sign

yosano: "no problem... go get some rest"

atsushi: "yeah thank you again" i smiled

yosano: " looks like your back...."

astsuhi: "ahahahah"

yosano: "ok then i'll be off.."

atsushi: "bye"

yosano san leave the room and go back to office i guess maybe.. oh well
i just layback down on my bed and sleep...

i woke up next morning it was sunny.
what beautiful day we have i guess i can go back to work...
the only thing is if they will make me do something.


Yeah i'm right they didn't make me do anything
what i did is just sit there
doing nothing getting boring...
i got so bored so i got up from my seat walking to the cafe.... then

dazai: "where are you going atsushi-kun?~"

atsushi: " just going to the cafe dazai-san, gonna grab a coffee" i said with my normal tone as possible

dazai: "Ohh? ok then take care"

atsushi: "but i'm just going downstairs?"

dazai: " yeah why?"

atsushi: " oh uhh ok? bye"

So i did really go downstair to the cafe to grab some coffee but little did they know that's not the only place i will go....
no more.... i want answers.....
i want to know who i really was..
i need to meet him.
so i contact akutagawa.
i want to know what he is to me.. i want him to tell me.

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now