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No one's Pov:

As usual ada would do work being chaotic, being focus, and whatever you all think their doing...

Still 9 am so why be so energetic, but their just being them, dazai still looking for a better suicide plan as always, being scold by kunikida, kenji being the childish i mean.... Tanizaki always being hug by his sister like they couldn't be separated anymore, yosano being the creepy as ever, ranpo eating sweets, kyoka being innocent and staying quite until someone talk to her or ask a question to her...

And there is atsushi on his desk not paying attention on what is happening around him, but our surtain brunette notice the tiger zoning out

Dazai's pov:

I was thinking for a new suicide and sharing it to the ada i mean if they want to join i wouldn't mind, but kunikida keeps on scolding me , he's such a meanie *does a dramatic suicidal  cry*

I was doing my usual routine but i notice that atsushi wasn't really paying attention... As if he's in a deep thought, i found it weird cause i mean day by day i notice that atsushi's becoming weird not like me i'm different kind of weird, what i mean by weird is  that  he never really paying attention on things, he's more quite, he always looks like in a deep thought, it just my guts are saying that somethings not right....

Something is about to come.... I wasn't sure but i need to find out, i'm i wasn't the only one who has the feeling that something bad is coming, based on how the other's our acting ranpo, kunikida, yosano, even kyoka and the boss, i know they feel it to their just trying to act normal...i can't take this feeling is getting stronger and stronger... Maybe...atsushi...*sign* i stand up and walk up to atsushi who doesn't even notice that i'm already on his side i sign and tap his shoulder and he literally jolt up and look at me as if he was woken up from a nightmare, and minutes later atsushi won't stop apologizing, i told him it was ok and that i just wanna talk, he seems nervous... "Atsushi are you ok you've been spacing out a lot" i said " i'm ok dazai-san really just thinking.." he replied " do you feel it too?" I didn't know why i ask this but it just came out of nowhere
"Uhh what do you mean?" Atsushi ask "that feeling that somethings coming....?" I replied not sure if he's lying about not knowing " ohh....i just feel uncomfortable..... Like something's will go downhill.... cause-" atsushi cut himself off i'm absolutely sure he knows something ....i really wanna know " cause..?" I ask wanting him to continue " there... There is this letter i found on the" he said "huh? The bossed? Office .... Atsushi you go to his office?" I said hella sus right now " please don't misunderstand i did go there just to pass the paperworks i've done but he's not there at the time...." He say's nervously
"Hmm is that so? What foes it say?" I ask cause this could be a useful information "i- it's the po-" he was cut off by kenji calling us for launch... I sign guess i we need to go now... Asking him after work would be fine.

Atsushi's pov:

It's so hard that dazai-san is like interrogating me i can't believe it.... I hate lying to them it's so hard i trust them and they trust me but i have to do this.....i was about to expose them good thing kenji-kun save me at the very right moment, i notice that dazai-san sign i think he might be thinking ... I stood up and say's "uhh! We're coming kenji-kun lemme just fix my table for a minute!" I say speed cleaning while dazai-san is waiting for me soon as i finish i grab dazai-san hand and speed walk to where the others are.

Time skip:

It's now 5 pm there still much work to do files and other cases everyone seems busy to what their doing even dazai-san is ranpo-san i working kinda surprising... Dazai-san didn't give me his work cause i mean i have a mountain of work his good thing i'll be able to finish this i just need 4 more hours the i'd be good.

Hour's pass some of us is finally done i- no i mean most of us is finally done and i'm not one of the just i bit more then i'm done. They seems to be having a friendly conversations you like a normal ada "friendly" conversations... I'm finally done with my work i stretch a bit and as i was about to join the other's dazai-san must notice that i'm done and approach me "atsushi m-" dazai-san was about to ask me something but cut off by call of of yosano-san she said that the boss made and urgent meeting when this happen there is only one thing that i can think of ' they have found the letter...'
We've already gathered to the meeting room some of us is confused some are really serious as if they know what will happen.

The meeting start's and yosano-san said that she go to the bossed office to give him the files that she works on when she notice the letter, as soon as she saw the letter the boss has just enter the office with this they've read the letter knowing that this is a bad sign they've called a meeting to prepare and attack from the one and only port mafia but....It's to late preparing has no used now when things is about to blow.

Dazai's pov:

The meeting was going very fast but planning right now is the bit off we're having a hard time i look around and notice that atsushi seems a bit off but i can't focus on that right now, but it's to late an  explosion interrupt  our meeting... We back away from the explosion checking my surroundings if the co-workers are fine, after making sure their all good no injuries i was relief, but that what i need to focus now what we need to focus on the battle that awaits in front of us....

"IT'S BEEN SO LONG AIN'T IT DAZAI!" I hear a shout infront of us ofcourse i recognise that voice... The smoke soon cleared the sight and there stand the port mafia and the tangerine boy nakahara chuuya

...this is the beginning of war between port mafia and detective agency...

HELLO DEAR READER! Oops i forgot to turn off the all caps hehe... Well uhh how is this chapter? Just tell me in the. Comments and also ur all also free to correct me if ever i have wrong spelling or grammars

Btw i would like to ask you all should i make this a good ending or a bad ending?

And for atsushi why do you think he is acting weird and susss at the same time?

I will see you in the next chapter let's find out what will happen but also a warning i might skip the fighting scenes cause i can't write that ahahha but i'll still try my best to make it interesting as possible!

And thank for reading this book and this chapter have a great day/night dear readers stay safe!

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