CHAPTER 17 : ???

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*Sign* "I can't believe you, to be honest why am I even helping you?" ??? Questioned
"You're the only one I can ask for help in this please just consider it" ?? Plead
"I know that this will be a risky task but I have no choice aren't I? Either I die or he die it doesn't matter...." ??? Added "ARE YOU CRAZY ¿1πK° !? Really.... You're plan can cause your death or his...." ??? Whispered enough for ?? To hear he look at ?? Then continue " ?? Many people cared about you...They would be hurt you We will. Enemies or friends, we cared for you..."??? Is near to tears but he is not someone who just cry over something so ?? Was shock he didn't know that he cared this much for him, he thought that ??? Only saw him as a rival. He didn't know that this guy.... See him more than that more that just a enemies, rival, fighting buddies, but as a friend.... No. Best friend to be exact

?? Put his hand on ??? Shoulder " thank you...." Said by a sweet angelic voice... " I never thought that you would see me as your friend, to be honest I'm afraid to ask you because you might just turn me down, but still I'm happy" he said with a low breathy voice and a small smile while looking at ??? " But I don't know it's the only way right? I mean who remains shall be the winner? I just- I don't think it's right but I have no other idea..... Except that. Or there is more? I don't know...." ?? Questioned himself

??? Sign* " guess you're still an idiot then" ??? Said in a monotone voice " huh?" ?? Answered " I said use your brain for once idiot" ??? Fired at him " wha- I'm using my brain and don't blame me for being an idiot because I never go to school You stupid vampire!!" ?? Fired back  ??? Grew a mark on his head and faced ?? " What did you just call me?! Huh?! You stupid stray!!?" ??? Shout

The two keep on bickering for an hour

( cool.....I would definitely need a lots of water after that anyways back to the story people)

And finally they have calm down, there is moment of silent when ??? Remember something that ?? Said the smirk " so you did admit that your an idiot huh?" ??? Tease
?? Grew a mark on his head " so what? It's good to be true than keep on lying to yourself... I never able to go to school so I know less, but I don't care" ?? Calmly
" And also we're getting off topic... So will you help me?" ?? Ask
??? Look down as if he was thinking about then look to ?? " Fine. But I not letting you die or him...." ??? State finally agreeing to help " thank you... Well I guess you have something in mind huh? Well then mind sharing it on the way?" ?? Ask while he started walking

( Btw their having a walk..... In the middle of the night)

" Sure, there will be to main goal defeat him and no death, I mean we can stay rivals fighting each other and what so ever we want...." ??? Explain walking towards ??
" As long as we stop this big mess his planning" ?? Continued " nah you can say it's really is a mess but it seems like he want you to be on his side, and he was to see a face of betrayal no. Their expressions showing despair because of your so called 'betrayal' "
??? Said in a monotone " it's fine to me to be hated as long as I can resolve this like this is a pain already.... *Sigh* let's enjoy our walk for now and problem ourselves with that next time " ?? Smiled
??? Only nod and they continue to walk and talk without stress.....Sign* "I can't believe you, to be honest why am I even helping you?" ??? Questioned
"You're the only one I can ask for help in this please just consider it" ?? Plead
"I know that this will be a risky task but I have no choice aren't I? Either I die or he die it doesn't matter...." ??? Added "ARE YOU CRAZY ¿1πK° !? Really.... You're plan can cause your death or his...." ??? Whispered enough for ?? To hear he look at ?? Then continue " ?? Many people cared about you...They would be hurt you We will. Enemies or friends, we cared for you..."??? Is near to tears but he is not someone who just cry over something so ?? Was shock he didn't know that he cared this much for him, he thought that ??? Only saw him as a rival. He didn't know that this guy.... See him more than that more that just a enemies, rival, fighting buddies, but as a friend.... No. Best friend to be exact

?? Put his hand on ??? Shoulder " thank you...." Said by a sweet angelic voice... " I never thought that you would see me as your friend, to be honest I'm afraid to ask you because you might just turn me down, but still I'm happy" he said with a low breathy voice and a small smile while looking at ??? " But I don't know it's the only way right? I mean who remains shall be the winner? I just- I don't think it's right but I have no other idea..... Except that. Or there is more? I don't know...." ?? Questioned himself

??? Sign* " guess you're still an idiot then" ??? Said in a monotone voice " huh?" ?? Answered " I said use your brain for once idiot" ??? Fired at him " wha- I'm using my brain and don't blame me for being an idiot because I never go to school You stupid vampire!!" ?? Fired back  ??? Grew a mark on his head and faced ?? " What did you just call me?! Huh?! You stupid stray!!?" ??? Shout

The two keep on bickering for an hour

( cool.....I would definitely need a lots of water after that anyways back to the story people)

And finally they have calm down, there is moment of silent when ??? Remember something that ?? Said the smirk " so you did admit that your an idiot huh?" ??? Tease
?? Grew a mark on his head " so what? It's good to be true than keep on lying to yourself... I never able to go to school so I know less, but I don't care" ?? Calmly
" And also we're getting off topic... So will you help me?" ?? Ask
??? Look down as if he was thinking about then look to ?? " Fine. But I not letting you die or him...." ??? State finally agreeing to help " thank you... Well I guess you have something in mind huh? Well then mind sharing it on the way?" ?? Ask while he started walking

( Btw their having a walk..... In the middle of the night)

" Sure, there will be to main goal defeat him and no death, I mean we can stay rivals fighting each other and what so ever we want...." ??? Explain walking towards ??
" As long as we stop this big mess his planning" ?? Continued " nah you can say it's really is a mess but it seems like he want you to be on his side, and he was to see a face of betrayal no. Their expressions showing despair because of your so called 'betrayal' "
??? Said in a monotone " it's fine to me to be hated as long as I can resolve this like this is a pain already.... *Sigh* let's enjoy our walk for now and problem ourselves with that next time " ?? Smiled
??? Only nod and they continue to walk and talk without stress.....

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