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"Yeah yeah~ whatever you say~" shibusawa said disinterested at all then turn his attention to the crowd then flips his long silky hair to his back,
Fyodor peek from behind of long white haired man as he moves his hands as if he was signaling to someone.

After some time another white haired guy appeared with another white haired gay- I mean guy but half of his hair is violet or lavender color, his hip length hair flowing beautifully with the wind, while the other has a braided be honest he looks like a clown (but more handsome) but that doesn't matter.

"Now now, what to do with y'all...?" The joker looking guy ask as he swiftly put his index finger on his lips as if he was thinking "why can't we just get rid of 'em Fyodor?" He turn around to face his group while pouting as he keep on whining why.
"Nikolai, remember what's our main objective here, if we meant trouble... Then we could've done it as soon as we get here but no." Fyodor reminded Nikolai, only to be greet by a bored and disappointed look on the clowns face who is playing with his cards.
"How about you two introduce yourselves to this people first then? I mean it's kinda rude not introducing yourselves before talking to our 'friends' right?" Shibusawa recommend to the two new crew with them Infront of the crowd, but as soon as he finish his sentence someone butt in with am annoyed tone " what do you mean 'friends'? Huh? Since when did you have friends anyways?" Shibusawa turn to his side to face the black and white haired teen who is obviously mocking him "I ha-" shibusawa didn't even get a chance to build a sentence when akutagawa cut him off "as far as I can remember, even if I cough here till I die, YOU DON'T have any friends. So don't assume to much you old drug addicted looking zombie hag." Akutagawa look at shibusawa with his arms cross I'm his chest, and a neutral look in his face as if he didn't just insult shibusawa, he gon' be just chillin'

"Oh that would be wonderful then..." Shibusawa pause whatever he is going to say " you dying." He continued facing the black and white haired teen smiling with both his eyes close, you can really see that he is piss with the child but tryna hold himself back
"Ohh~ sorry but that is only...IF you have this so called FRIENDS of yours but, you don't have any. So? Better die again...alone" akutagawa curse at shibusawa.
After that both of them continued to argue Infront of everyone who are dumbfounded watching the scene Infront of them.

Meanwhile Dazai is watching together with the crowd he just couldn't believe what his seeing right now, after a minute chuuya is now on his side then ask " Are they really doing this right now in front of everyone? Like in this situation? I don't think we have time to argue like a child here..." Dazai shrugged and says "Dunno you have eyes, so I'm pretty,uch sure you can see it happening Infront of us, unless you're blinded of my beauty that you're asking me such obvious questions smol tangerine-chan"
"YOU-" before chuuya could even do anything to Dazai " you two are no difference at all." Kunikida butt in their conversation and stop whatever going to happen just in time, they don't need another childish play going on, one is enough, he doesn't have energy for more.
Yosano can't help to chuckle on what's happening right now the ones in the front and so is this two on her side.
Tanizaki who is supporting kunikida on his feet can only sweat drop, I mean there's nothing he can do but to keep his mouth shut and watch whatever's happening around him.

Rin, akutagawas sister peered at her brother in disbelief 'is this really Ryu? My brother? His different like, really different unlike hours ago...' she continues to stare at her brother and let out a small smile under her ripped mask "it was a interesting change in just an hour right?" A strong but soft voice beamed coming from her left, she turned her said to where it came from only to see Yosano
walking closer and closer to her, she gulp as Yosano steps forward, sweat dripping down her throat "don't be afraid girl, I won't bite. Lemme help you with that injuries of yours, though it might hurt a 'little'" Yosano assured with a soft devilish smile on her face.

"So the fact that y'all didn't even try to say anything or argue back with your opinions, is that you might already know the reason for our 'visit' today, Right? Mori-san, Dazai-san, and lastly ranpo-san?" The white and violet haired guy ask calling out specific people.

Ranpo only smirk and didn't say anything, so is Dazai who are looking up to the two color haired guy with so much of a confidence " oh ah- by the way my apologies for introducing late I am Sigma, also sorry if I sounded rude, please forgive me I didn't mean it." Sigma bowed his head as he apologize "And can you too stop it." And stop the two 'children' from arguing clearly annoyed because of the loud noise they are creating as he again now out of apology for the two

"Well for me I think we should let the father explain what is happening here, oh wait-" Dazai recommend them pause "I mean the other one" he finished he's sentence then look are the Mafia boss, Mori. People are confuse on what is happening the only thing they can do is to watch, to look here and here and there, they don't know what this people are talking about but the continue to stare at Mori waiting for him to talk, red eyes look at him annoyed but his silent treatment "So? Are you just gonna stay quiet there? He's literally talking about, spit it out already and get this over with, we don't have all day." Shibusawa spat a him he doesn't like the fact the Mori is his son's father too, it just pisses him of and one more thing he doesn't like Mori at all. " shibusawa calm your butt, before I unalive you again." Fyodor stop shibusawa from saying more because he's done with this man's jealousy. Atsushi look at his dad with a pleading eyes their met and shibusawa can't just ignore this and stop, he wants to be a good father to his son this time so he'll do anything to make him happy. Meanwhile akutagawa who is beside atsushi stared at shibusawa clearly unhappy but let it slide he is he's best friends dad after all he can't do anything about it. He let out a sigh and look at his boss.

After some time Mori finally let his voice out as he finally get the pieces all together, he look up and opened his mouth, everyone is watching patiently in every movement of his lips " it's  simple. "

Hello everyone took me long to update again sorry ahaha
Actually I already write this on a paper I only need to transfer though transferring also means, it needs a lot of changes so here it's is finally!

Idk how I will end this story but I already made an ending I just hope it was worth it.

Here's an heads-up next chapter will be the last chapter of 'who I was' so thank you for waiting for me to update everytime, really appreciate it 🙏

Well we'll see each other next chapter so this is not yet goodbye.

Btw I hope you like this chapter!! I might update tomorrow but idk, depends.

So good morning/noon/evening/night everyone see you again next chapter ✌️😆

Here by: zakkiraLux

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now