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Atsushi calls akutagawa and informed him that he wants to meet up:

call between akutagawa & atsushi:

[ btw atsushi and akutagawa are close like they are best friends i mean they really are bff in this story]

Atsu: hey...

Aku: what do you want, that you have to call me..?

Atsu: i need something...

aku: that's kinda weird...

Atsu: it's not...

aku: yes it is.

atsu: i said-
you know what? whatever we're getting out of the main topic.

aku: so what is it?

atsu: I wanna meet up..

aku:  you wanna meet up with me? that's strange

atsu: no.

aku: what do you mean?
you said you wanna meet up?

atsu: i mean...
said kinda hesitating

aku: you mean what?

atsu: i don't wanna meet up with you...
i wanna meet up with someone you know...

aku: with someone i know?

atsu: yea

aku: who?

atsu: him, i think you know who i was talking about...right?

aku: Are you serious about that??

atsu: yea

aku: okay.. I'll try

atsu: thank you, aku

aku: no problem..
then they and the call...

akutagawa has inform "him" about atsushi wanting to meet up...

akutagawa: hey, &@$8, there is someone who wants to meet you....

???: and who could it be?

akutagawa: nakajima atsushi....
say on his monotone

???: hmmm~ i wonder why??

akutagawa: ...

???: did he tell you why?

akutagawa: no...

???: is that so.... when... and where?

akutagawa: he said at the old building a bit dip in the city...

???: ok.

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now