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"Hooo~" Fyodor opens his mouth forming an 'O'

"Since when did any of you consider them as a friends or even family?" He smirk as if he want to tell us something at the same time,
"Since forever. What? Do you think you'll be able to trick us by just telling that?" Chuuya blurt out (ofcourse) annoyed
"I mean just asking" fyodor shrugged then chuuya let out a scoff
"I wouldn't say that if they were not part of us, of course" Dazai replied "As Mori said akutagawa is his companion, a member of the port mafia their family. And atsushi....atsushi is his son." He continued hesitating at the last part of the sentence

"Are you sure about that?" A unknown yet familiar voice appear out of nowhere some looked around not knowing where the voice came from, hoping to find the source of it. "Up there." Someone said pointing at fyodor which turned out to be Ranpo, mostly everyone snap they're heads up to where he was pointing but apparently he was pointing at Fyodor who has his usual smile on.
"What?" He ask raising his eyebrow tilting his head to the side.
Sometime later a shadow appear behind Fyodor

people who knows this person widen their eyes
Atsushi look at them 'ofcourse they would be shock. After all he's suppose to be dead a long time ago and we even fought with him.
Surely they think that his dead. But apparently he's fully well and alive"

"How-" Dazai mutters "Your suppose to be dead..." He continued a little louder this time

The man who stab Dazai, the man who's suppose to be dead. Is here standing infront of them with
His white long hairs flowing
gently with the wind, and his pretty pale soft skin and his dull piercing vampire like red eyes Starring straight thru your soul; as if there is no escape, with a 'soft, gentle, caring' smirk on his
Face that sure has a deep hidden
Meaning, and plans that surely
Will chase after you like a snake
and drag you in a pit and let you
fall in with your own stupidity.

Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, also known as The Collector

Standing in front of them well and

"Hello there, nice you see and meet you again fellow humans"
His scary yet soft voice ring in their ears with such a calm greeting in such situation.
With a slight smile shibusawa is standing right beside Fyodor.
"Isn't it good to be able to breath again?"
He said while his smile turned bigger and bigger making some to step back from where they were

Hello there everyone sorry for a very long wait for an update i was busy at school and i also doesn't have any motivation on doing so but i promise y'all that i will finish this book no matter what.

I hope you enjoy this chapter
Let us see if there will be more twist on the following chapters

Have a good day/afternoon/evening
Dear readers

Also i recently change my name to zakkiralux delighted to meet you all again bye bye for now ✌️😉 

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