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"Why are you still with him even though his the one who killed
you?" Dazai ask " I won't be here anyways without their help..." He shrugged

"What do you mean?" Kunikida finally spoke after a very long time. Looking at him shibusawa answered "what do you mean by 'What do you mean?' how would i know when i was the one being revived?"
"I-....i mean you should've know...atleast" kunikida stands up with the help of tanizaki "Well I don't" he replied sarcastically

"Well sorry to disappoint you but we're getting of topic" he remind them while he put his arms up and shrugged

"So how sure are you that he IS your family or should i say YOUR son...?"

DAZAI'S POV:(just in case)

I don't get it at all, what are they plotting now. Its confusing but we'll get through this

"Yes. Of course, i took care of him when he's just a child." Mori replied tilting his head up
"Oh, yeah sure as if." Rolling his eyes shibusawa grew a smirk in his face "so...if your his so called father should know everything about him right?"
Mori stayed silent eyes grew wide
He opened his mouth tempting to utter a word but close it again
"What? Am i wrong? I mean as a father you should know this things
For example,.. all the things he went through, his pains, secrets? Dreams....or maybe even what he wants." Shibusawa mocked
"I-" Mori was speechless
I couldn't blame him
He's being critically hit right now

"How would you know anyways?" I ask
Ugh i can't believe i'm helping this guy sheesh, he's so hopeless right now can't even argue back at him. Geez at least prove your right being his father 'adopted' i mean.
At least you treat him well.

"Yeah that mackarel is right. Why'd care anyways bragging about other peoples business huh you drug addict looking guy? Chuuya step up face getting wrinkled again. Gosh this doggie needs a chill pill sometime too
Shibusawa doesn't seem affected by our comments at all. This guy is more annoying than mori
This poker face is getting on my nerves like his teasing us, treating us like a joke like grandpa were literally being serious here

Shibusawa raise his head looking down on us i mean like bruh you literally up there while we were down here stop acting like the main character you- ok i gotta calm down keep the smile dazai *sigh*
A smile grew back on his face i doesn't look scary at all it was calm, like as in...

"You know...that its also my business right?" He said "what- " chuuya mutter squinting his eyes
"Surely before our first encounter atsushi told you about me...right?"
He continued still with his  so called 'genuine' smile
"I mean yeah he does said he know
You but he didn't tell us the whole story." Kunikida said while standing properly with the help of tanizaki "oh what a shame i thought he would tell you what happened that night." He said with a disappointed voice
Did he really expect atsushi to tell us such information, what does he mean by that night anyway
"I didn't remember it at that moment. Every detail came back to me when that fight with you" atsushi said with his monotone voice  after our long conversation good to hear his voice again i guess
"Aww don't be mean dea-" this childish voice beamed but soon got cut off "please just get to the point" akutagawa stared at shibusawa guess he have some hatred in shibusawa

He stop whenever he's going to say and stared back at akutagawa 
Nah they're literally having a staring competition with that lightning between them yes of course atsushi just stood there he looks like he done with there sh- i mean, so done with them.
"Can you both stop let's get this done" he finally stop the two from whatever childishness their doing
"You two know that you're not the only people here right?" Fyodor peek from behind of shibusawa "and can you please make this quick i don't what you're planning but can you make this short as possible? That's not what we are here for anyways." He said with a so done voice (does that even exist? Meh whatever ig)

"Yeah yeah whatever" shibusawa roll his eyes "so you we're saying? How is that your business... What does atsushi need to do with you?" Mori ask

I look at my side where mori as guess he's desperate to know after all atsushi is involve ugh even my father instinct is tingiling to know 

" Well glad you ask M.O.R.I.S.E.N.S.E.I"  Did he just spelled his name this guy never failed to piss me right now he's making this way to long
But i decided to wait patiently

"It my business afterall...

I am atsushi's FATHER"

Mori's eyes widen but i'm not surprise cause even i now almost everyone was shock
Him atsushi's father but mori- wait
"Your-" i cut myself from continuing whatever i was about to ask i hear someone sigh i looked up to see who it was
And it was akutagawa "don't even ask he's telling the truth" he remind us

"How about i introduce my self again?"

"Delighted to meet you all i'm shibusawa, nakajima atsushi's biological father hope we can get along"

He said with a smile
I gotta admitted they have the same smile they'd almost look the same now if atsushi have a long hair too
Maybe that's why they have a similar abilities to *sigh* guess i can't argue with that i see the similarities between them
But i wonder what will happen between this two.

Heyo took me long enough to update
Just gonna update you all idk if this story will end up as you'll wanted or expected. But still i hope you continue to support this story "who i was" by me zakkiralux

Im planning on ending this story soon so yeah i hope you'll understand. Story wasn't really planned but i assure you I'll make other stories too original and fanart but i'll be more prepared next time.


Anyways see y'all again next chapter! Good morning/noon/evening/night and goodbye everyone for now ciao! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧

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