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As kyoka ordered  demon snow (am i right ?) To attack , an unknown but familiar voice ringed out loud that all of us can hear but kyoka's demon snow didn't stop unfortunately it charges towards mori

Soon after the demon snow swing its sword toward mori but was stop by certain someone...

or should i say our certain tiger Nakajima atsushi

Atsushi push enough to throw the demon snow away,

Everyone from detective agency was stunned not just because atsushi just throw the certain demon but also because he protect their enemy, the fact that they new atsushi cannot face the demon snow before....

Questions are filled their heads but this questions place the top of them
Why did atsushi do that? Why did atsushi protect their enemy?

Yes its true that just at least before this moment they had notice that atsushi is missing no one question it cause they are worried for the innocent bean until this moment

Everyone stood there with the music of silence
No one dared to talk.... Some are confused and some had smirks on their faces
There is nothing but silence until mori talk

"Oh my! Oh~ thank you for protecting me at-su-shi-chan~" he says clearly trying to annoy the ada atsushi stay'd silent trying not to look at mori

"Atsushi?" Kyoka called out for the tiger,
Atsushi then face kyoka still silent "why'd you do that? Why would you protect mori when you know he's our enemy...." Kyoka ask looking directly at atsushi or should i say everyone from the agency is.

Atsushi remained silent "atsushi.." dazai said atsushi then look at his side not saying a word dazai grew worried for the tiger no one knows what's happening for this very moment, mori's smirk grew wider

"How about im the one who answer that question for you" mori said acting like an innocent bean atsushi quickly look at mori with a slightly shock look,

Atsushi knows he can't do anything about it he then just look down as if he was regretting something

They look at mori wanting an answer even though they're questioning his actions

"Well to answer your question why would dear atsushi not protect his dearest father~" mori said "wha-" before even dazai ask something mori cut him of by saying "well since im his father should he be on my side?? " Mori ask childishly
Shocking everyone when i said everyone its everyone
Mori told the mafia about atsushi siding them but not this information

"Yo- you must be joking.... This might be one of your tricks! Right?" Kyoka then look at atsushi "right?"

Atsushi look at kyoka then everyone for a minute ... Then look back down

"So....your really his child?" Dazai ask looking at atsushi but the difference is that this time atsushi did answer one word is enough for them to understand the situation " yes...." Atsushi said still looking down

"THENNNN~ THAT'S SETTLED!" Mori childishly shouts everyone look at him confuse by the statement or by what he meant 'settled'

"Isn't it time my dear~" mori said looking at atsushi still smiling

Hello everyone! Its been so long since i last update but here it is i plan to post before classes but yea

So thank you for reading this chapter!! I hope u all like it

And also for more info at this time atsushi looks a bit different

This what he looks like almost the same persona but a bit of a silent boy

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This what he looks like almost the same persona but a bit of a silent boy

Also thank you for 2.87k reads!! I really appreciate it!!

 There will be just a bit of chapters then this book will come to an end

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There will be just a bit of chapters then this book will come to an end

That's all everybody its already 2 am here
So bye have a great day/night everyone^^

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