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Dazai's pov:

I was looking outside the window having a fresh air so you think... Ahahahah... I was actually thinking a new way to take a suicide.....

But then i saw atsushi way out of the cafe.... I found it suspicious so i start walking to the door.
"OI! where do you think your going?" Kunikida ask annoyed so i answered playfully " ooohh~~ is kunikida- kyun worried about me?~" he got pissed and slammed his table and said "HUH?!" He sigh "chill chill~ ahaha , i'm only going out for a walk ahahah" i said with my natural tone
"whatever..." I smiled " okie dokie!! Bye bye~ "
I walk away whe waving

So i didn't go for a walk i actually followed atsushi... I followed him and he stop i raise my eye brows "mhm...?" I though myself and he suddenly start walking fast to sa small road
That basically is an dead end road... No one really come here so its really suspicious so i keep on following him....
He stop start doing things on his phone...
Then he put his phone on his ears
"Looks like he's talking to some one.... Hmmm"
I didn't really understand the conversation clearly but seems like he's meeting up someone.

I kept on following atsushi

Until we reach a abandoned building "huh, interesting..." Until atsushi stops with two people seems to be waiting for him.... I got closer... But then what a surprise its mori and akutagawa....
I was shock 'why would atsushi talk to him?!'
Atsushi seems serious...
I can't really hear them 'tch' i tch 'why are you even talking to him.....atsushi' i questioned in my thoughts
They continue to talk and
Atsushi seems shock i got really curious so i move closer but i guess the luck is not on my side
I step on a stick 's***' i curse on my thoughts

Not to long i hear mori call me "come out dazai"
So i came out of my hiding spot and said "Hmm so you find out huh mori" i said smirking
"D-dazai-san what are you doing here?" Atsushi ask nervously  "I should ask you the same question atsushi-kun" I said a bit serious tone
And continues "Why are you talking to him... What is your business with this guy atsushi" atsushi gulp "i-" And he was  cut off but mori "It's none of your business dazai" mori said.
Atsushi look over mori "You should mind your own business dazai" mori continues
The temper is getting higher and higher
"I'm not ta-" I was cut off by mori "And that is why this meeting is called a personal meeting dazai." Mori smirk
"Ohh well since we are done i should take my leave now... Bye~" mori the walk away where akutagawa is waiting for him
Atsushi and dazai watch them both leave...
There was a silence between us..
I know atsushi was tense but i need to talk to him so i broke the silence between us,
"We have to talk..." I said "about what?" Ask atsushi..."about your conversation with mori"
"Dazai-san just as mori-san said .... It's a personal conversation.." atsushi said...
I look at atsushi...*sigh* "ohh well, i won't ask about it again... BUT! We have to go back now" i said stretching "Hai.." atsushi says calmly
We started walking back to the agency 'you are good at hiding secrets now huh....' i smirk
"Gonna grab a coffee huh...hehe" i mumbled
"Huh?" Atsushi ask he must've hear me mumbled huh i giggle but not noticeable
"Nothing" i said calmly "are you sure?" Atsushi ask ahahah he must be suspicious of me 'ahahah' i laugh on my thoughts
"No, not really..." I said "huh? What do you mean?" Atsushi ask
So i answered "Just thinking of a new suicide plan haha" i said playfully
"Really.." atsushi said facepalming
I smiled "Oh! Just in time i need to try my new suicide plan bye atsushi-kun!!"
I started to walk fast
"Ok bye!! Take care!!" Atsushi wave while smiling
"Huh.." atsushi stop for a minute processing the
word i just say i keep on walking but i'm observing atsushi's reaction then i playfully smirk 'hehe' i though
"Wai- did you just said suici-" atsushi finally realise "bye bye atsushi-kun" i said "WAIT NO DAZAI-SAN NO!!" he stop me and drag me to the agency...

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now