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Atsushi keep on dragging dazai so that he won't be able to 'try' his new suicide plan... Dazai just letting atsushi drag him, actually still suspicious on what mori and atsushi's conversation about...

(Time skip)

Atsushi and dazai finally reach the agency well ofcourse u kunikida is there waiting for them very angry (if u could say just to dazai oop)
Kunikida took dazai and say a lot of 'thingS' on him (let's just say what kunikida and dazai always do) 'and they are back' Junichiro thought then he walk closer to atsushi who was trying to stop kunikida...

Junichiro pov:(new pov idk)
"Heya there atsushi" i said to atsushi wrapping my arm on his shoulder "ahh junichiro-kun" atsushi said "don't try on stoping them... Hehe.. i mean you've tried to many times in the past but it didn't work right?" I said while watching kunikida-san smacking dazai-san " hehe yah i guess" atsushi answered
I look at atsushi and ask " by the way what took you so long to grab a coffee? Isn't the cafe is just downstairs?" Atsushi looks a bit nervous and answer "on my way up i bump into dazai-san so he invited me for a walk hehe" i raise my eye brow 'hmm' i though i know atsushi was lying because i saw dazai-san leave the building alone.... But 'why is he lying?' i ask myself i just brush it off and said " ok then hehe,Ooh we should finish our work for today!! Let's go atsushi!" I said dragging atsushi on his table



after the work, everyone is now leaving well mostly, for some reason i still cannot forget about my conversation with mori-san...
I was in deep thought until someone tap my shoulder..

"Heyo atsushi-kun not done yet?" Dazai-san ask "ohh umm i'm already done....hehe"i said "well~ everyone has already left. Except me and you of course ahahaha" dazai-san said, to be honest i didn't even notice everyone has already left, maybe i've been in my thoughts for so long....
"At-su-shi-kun~ yah still there??" Dazai-san said "uh. Yes just thinking..." I replied "hmmm....OK!" Dazai-san said "i think we should head off" i said "yep let's go atsushi!" Dazai-san said then he grab my hand and start pulling me out of the office.
Then we go somewhere let's say we go to a near park, there is no one in the park just us, well i mean it's already late..we sit on the bench and talk for a while till i fall asleep...


Me and atsushi we're talking but not that long i felt something heavy on my shoulder and when i look at my was atsushi sleeping peacefully...'such an innocent child....but your really good at hiding secrets atsushi. But i need to find out what this secret is no matter what...specially when mori is part of it...' i thought "i think i'll just bring you to your apartment then" i whispered


I woke up from the very shiny light... and i was in my room?, i thought my self
I remembered talking to dazai-san in the park... Maybe i fell asleep, oh well i guess uts time to get rea- . Before i could even finish my thoughts my phone starts to ring.
I pick my phone up and check who is calling
And it was kunikida-san, i was kinda confuse why kunikida-san is calling it's kinda not normal...

And i answer the phone "OY!" kunikida-san shouted, i put the phone away from my ears cause i'm to young to lost my hearing.

"Hai?" U ask "get in the agency right away we're having a meeting!" Kunikida-san said "meeting?" U ask "Yes! Boss said its an urgent meeting do get in here right now!" Kunikida-san shouted once again "H-hai!!" I said and hangup cause i don't wanna have another kind of 'lesson' from kunikida-san

I'm getting ready as fast as i could take a bath, brush my teeth, and many more... Soon as i'm ready, i ran out of my apartment making sure i lock and, and ran all the way to the agency... It's not that far right?....

Well i was kinda wrong....but i guess i did reach it on time the meeting was about to start...

The meeting has already start...and i was shaken up a little bit...this meeting really is serious, and what do you expect of course the main topic us about port mafia....

Sorry guys for not posting!! I don't really have motivation this past few weeks... And kinda running out of ideas...sorry but i will try my best to finish this story no matter what??

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