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Day's and day's pass is all the same as ever the ada being chaotic as ever port mafia causing crimes as ever its just being normal as it would be...

Atsushi's POV:

Everything was fun even sometimes things can get to much worst than being chaotic..
More likely fighting port mafia, dazai-san testing new suicide plans and all we're just being us..
It was so fun.

I'm glad that i have them i have the ada as my family they freed me from the pain of my past they make me forget that they(orphanage) tortured me till they just have no more interest in me and throw me out of the orphanage

Every nightmare the orphanage gave me was now gone because of them the ada and.... The port mafia even they we're our enemies they make me forget about it.... Them made me more focus on what life i have now the life that i shod take care of for the rest of my life

I love them either they we're my friends or enemies....


I've been thinking so many thing these day's *sigh* and i still have to some paper works and also do dazai-san's, "this is gonna be a long day" i signed

today is "kinda" different everyone was quite focus on what their doing... Dazai-san isn't here so is kunikida-san they we're on a mission involved people with abilities.... I heard that when they already got their ability they thought their stronger than anyone they should be praise they should be respect....once someone disagree in their decisions, command, or didn't respect him as what he called it he would kill them, that's why dazai-san and kunikida-san was send so turn him over.
I think it won't be easy but it's dazai-san and kunikida-san.

Oh well it's not my job but still i'm worried not about the mission but about them cause of their relationship, well... They've been partners for so long so i guess ..... "Ugh" i silently groaned my thought was cut of as soon as i finish the papers i was assigned to do. I stretch a bit more and continue to do the papers that suppose to be dazai-san's

After some time just a little more then i'm done i stretch my back a bit and continue the papers
Calling some people looking for some more reports and typing these goes like one more hour and i'm done i sigh in success for finishing these all in one day, there is a bit loud chatter around the office it looks like everyone is done with their works
I join them releasing all the stress i have while doing the work ahahha

Soon after, dazai-san and kunikida-san finally arrive absolutely fine, like usual they acting the same
We all agreed to go to the park as friends, conpanions not as detective's...
We are having fun playing, being chaotic, being loud,
Buying souvenirs, its just fun best memories i have with them... My My Family

I wish this last for the rest of my life being with them...having fun...seeing them happy, all those smiles that i will never forget.....

But good things doesn't always last long.....



Did i take to long to update? If so i'm so sorry (・_・;)

It was my birthday these friday so i decide that i will update ahahah well

I was planning on ending these book but don't worry there will be another chapter or chapters depends haha
I was lost of ideas for these fanfic but i will not let this book end discontinued i would never make a discontinued book hehe

Btw thank for reading this chapter i hope you like it!!
Ig these chapter is the longest of all i made but idk ahha

Have a good day / evening dear reader !!

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now