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The war between ada(armed detective agency) and pm (port mafia)

Mess everywhere, loud crashing sounds heard all over the place due to to the fighting throwing each other, injuring eachother, doesn't matter what happened as long as one of them win for they're own reasons good or bad.

(Hey umm i would like to tell you all who fights who bit with my lazyness i'd rather not y'all choose who fights who, i might mention some though oh well back to the story we go!)

You couldn't even see clear because of the fugs or smoke all over the place cause by the building crashing down

Dazai's pov:

Oh my~ chuuya really is determined to kill me, he keeps throwing punches on me but i'm not dumb enough not to dodge all of them, even mocking him to make him more angry hehe.... This is so fun~

' Ohh lemme just' i just got another thing to say to chuuya so he will be more piss hehe " nehhh... Chuuya? What is this? Your punches become more weak or maybe your just getting slower?" I said in a mocking tone " YOU! I'll F*****G KILL YOU" chuuya being a chihuahua he is come rushing on me ready to throw a punch on me " ohh come on~ your no fun chuuya~" i said while dodging him well ofcourse still mocking the tangerine head hehe

(Sorry i'm not good at doing a fight scene i would really like to try but yea i just can't? Ok moving on)

Me and chuuya continue fighting while i keep on pissing him off well both of us have injuries i mean who wouldn't when your fighting a wild chihuahua

After sometime i get a chance to look around me everything is mess as if bombing has happened yo the city ... All of us are injured all of the member of the ada is still standing while on the port mafia the people who remains standing is all the strong members (i know you know i just don't wanna recite all the names ) 

The fight has been going like an hours now, then i just notice everyone keeps on getting closer to each other then it hits me.... Their planning on putting us in the cage... Not a real cage but like the type that they will pin us all in one spot with them being around us.... I was shock by this i never thought they would use strategy on fighting us mostly they'll just fight who ever they want but this time is different their working together with a decent plan...
We we're all pined in one spot with the port mafia around us i look around and glared at mori who have a smirk in his face....

I was focus on on mori well not after i heard someone  which makes me check my surroundings...

Kunikida's pov : (wow never expect that oh well)

We were surrounded by the port mafia, i look around so that maybe i could make a plan... I look at all the members of ada and port mafia... I feel like something feels off, no, someones missing... Then it hits me atsushi is missing the white hair tiger is missing i couldn't find him anywhere...

"Where's atsushi?" I said, i notice dazai look around him and me wait i said that at loud? Well that doesn't matter what matter is where is atsushi....

"Wait your right kunikida where is atsushi?" Dazai ask  he look around receiving a nod as a i don't know from all the ada members... Normally atsushi would be fighting kunikida but i notice that he isn't fighting atsushi just now...

"Ohhh~? Looks like your dear little kitty is missing, that's sad~" mori suddenly says noticing that we finally notice that atsushi is missing
"Where is atsushi?" Dazai said glaring at mori "oh? You mad?" Mori said teasing, i look at dazai's expression i was kinda shock i never saw dazai this mad before maybe he really cared about atsushi....

I mean who wouldn't he's such a sunshine (ohhh~ is this a softy kunikida i see ಠ◡ಠ)

Dazai looks like about to snap.... Fight was about to go wild again but a voice stop it from happening.... I was shock....why is he not being attack...was he on mori's side?

Hello hello again i'm back for now oops sorry for a very long wait i don't know how i will end this story but i also don't wanna discontinue this

If ever you can suggest what i will do on for the last chapter of this story just put it on the comments someone req it to be a good ending so let's try it

So yeah thank for reading my dear reader's i hope you like this chapter though dazai become very out of character but i'll just let it be cause i'm me UvU

Wel then this is it for todays chapters see you on the next chap i wonder what will happen~

Bye everyone good day/night stay safe^^

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now