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While mori is telling atsushi the description or the "answer" he's looking for....
Little did they know that someone is watching them from afar.

(And that's not akutagawa.. back to the story)

'Tch' "i can't hear them at all...." The unknown person said... 'why are you even talking to him..... Atsushi'

Atsuhi and mori's conversation continues until
*Crack* they hear a small crack sound...
There are alert after all it was a personal and serious conversation..

*Crack*  's***' the unknown man says in his head....
"Tch" mori tch... "Ohh really how can i trust my enemy" mori spits
"Huh?" Atsushi ask confuse
"What do you mean..."
"You said you'd come alone atsushi-kun"
Mori said "b-but i did come alone" atsushi said
Mori raise his eyebrows and smirk "ohh are you sure about that?~
Then why is Dazai with you?"
"Huh... But he's not wi-" atsushi was cut off by mori... "Come out Dazai" mori said
"Hmm so you find out huh mori" dazai said smirking
"D-dazai-san what are you doing here?" Atsushi ask nervous "I should ask you the same question atsushi-kun" says a bit serious tone
And continues "Why are you talking to him... What is your business with this guy atsushi" atsushi gulp "i-" again cut off but mori "It's none of your business dazai" mori said.
Atsushi look over mori "You should mind your own business dazai" mori continues
The temper is getting higher and higher
"I'm not ta-" dazai was cut off by mori "And that is why this meeting is called a personal meeting dazai." Mori smirk
"Ohh well since we are done i should take my leave now... Bye~" mori then walk away where akutagawa is waiting for him
Atsushi and dazai watch them both leave...
There was a silence between them..
When dazai broke it.
"We have to talk..." Dazai said "about what?" Ask atsushi..."about your conversation with mori"
"Dazai-san just as mori-san said .... It's a personal conversation.." atsushi said...
Dazai look at atsushi...*sigh* "ohh well, i won't ask about it again... BUT! We have to go back now"dazai saisd while stretching "Hai.." atsushi says "calmly"
(Btw "hai" is the japanese word of "yes)

Hello hello sorry for a late update i haven't been opening wattpad so yeah.....
And also i hope u like it^^ just comment so that i can inform u when will be the next chapter!!

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now