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Atsushi's pov:

hmm, I guess being hated by them really hurts.... *sign* even akutagawa warned me or if you call it that I still did it, I mean this is for the better right?

The fight has been going on like an hours I can't give the exact time but yea, as far as I can see everyone is most likely exhausted or playing hide and seek to each other now...
I was standing on the side looking who should I help, there I spot the assassin I mean- akutagawa's sister Rin losing to kyoka so I rush in between them then kick kyoka... She kind of block it with her ability but she still can't stop the force...and still got thrown over a car....'poor car soon you'll be just a flat iron, that has a shape of a car...' I thought with an emotionless expression

Kyoka barely stand, she keep on trying to stand but falls again, I feel bad but-... It has to be done. I got lost in my thoughts not even knowing that there are now two people in front of me... It's Kenji looks like he's with those people huh. I look at my side and saw a mountain of people in black there beaten up, which was mafia's people.
I look back at them, I was frozen in place, their eyes, their looking at me with hatred, frown eyebrows, serious.... I guess this is how it feels becoming your friends enemy... I hate it

I really hate it

I launch towards them and once again kick 'em but Kenji block the attack, he grab my foot then throw me which I landed perfectly fine, he threw me very far so much force I mean that's his ability after all. Two vs one huh interesting I never saw them work with each other but to be honest their gonna be a perfect pair on fighting.

They start to attack other after another, it's a good strategy but with their slow pace it's way to easy to read their moves, I keep on dodging and dodging I haven't attack them back and this goes for a while now... I know with a tired body, industries, it's easy to take them down now I was looking for an opening a blind spot where I could take them down.
I look at my side and saw some mafia members losing to ????? , I just ignore them cause why not I don't care about them, then I look at my left a saw akutagawa struggling to a bookworm- I mean kunikida-san, so I kick kyoka and Kenji towards him
I heard yosano-san shout their name which gain the others attention to them and to me, their shock cause I mostly likely knock three? People in one shot, nah I don't think so kunikida-san is still moving so it's just two, yosano-san rush to the three and healed them kunikida-san is fully ok now but still tired or whatever it is, while the other two wre knock out but their injury's are healed.

No one's pov:
( I don't want to put author's pov ahaha maybe next time)

Dazai grit his teeth, chuuya is strong he knows that but their is something in him that makes things different?
" Oiii!!! Don't  day dream Dazai! Focus! And don't even try to ignore me if you don't want me to break your leg!" Chihuahua bark attacking Dazai " oh?? Is the puppy angry??? Sorry I won't ignore you again so don't be angry~" Dazai being his 'normal' self tease chuuya
" HUH!?! WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU SUICIDAL MANIAC!?!" chuuya gets more angry and was about to attack Dazai with sa big blow but was stop but a scream no more specifically the demon nurse's scream calling three people

The partner look where the scream came from and saw the three of  the Ada members has been thrown and knock out, the two stop their fight and focus at the scene no not only the two but all of them. What cause? Atsushi.... Nakajima atsushi
He manage to throw three people in one blow? And knock the two? Yes yes it is.
Don't be cause even Mori was shock their plan is just for atsushi to help the Mafia to weaken the Ada but he didn't know that atsushi has a guts to do such things to his friends

Akutagawa on the other hand look at atsushi looking for an answer... He didn't know that it's already time he sighs and face atsushi and narrows his eyes to him, many is confuse I mean all the other people enemies or friends all of them are confuse. " What? I can't let my friend get knock out without my permission now are we?" Atsushi with his monotone voice walks towards akutagawa " friends should have warned me you stupid stray" akutagawa exclaimed " whatever atleast you know now." Atsushi then stop on side of akutagawa

...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now