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"Wow now what's up with the silence?" Fyodor said spreading his hands wide in front of everyone while smiling confidently
"Fyodor..." Both dazai and mori said at the same time confuse as everyone else because of this certain someone.... No this group to suddenly appear out of no where, 'what are they doing here?' they all ask inside their heads.
Everyone one is full of questions shock as it is, they want to ask but to afraid to get on his; fyodor's bad side, so they've decided to keep their mouth shut.

Waiting for someone who has an ego to ask...minute by minute pass by theres nothing but silence among them, feeling the tension around them makes some tremble and stumble on their feets they can't make any move just like their playing you move you die. "What are you doing here...." Finally someone spoke "Fyodor?.." and that is? Of course it's our suicidal maniac Dazai osamu

"Dazai~ Dazai~ what a coincidence to see you here" fyodor state moving forward facing dazai,
Dazai squint his eyes not having fun at all " what do you expect? I'm from the detective agency and this is our fight..." He pause "i'm the one who should be asking that question to you fyodor" dazai stand up and take a few steps forward "What are YOU doing here Fyodor." Putting venom on he's voice while refering fyodor. Fyodor look at them with amazement specially dazai and some certain people "Oh wow!" Said pretending to be shock "I thought you knew that we would be coming, i was actually hoping you've prepared a party for us.." Fyodor said while pouting; teasingly pout or should i say annoying pout.
"And what do you mean by that you rat?" A new voice ask clearly annoyed by Fyodor's teasing "Well— what i mean is that he- i mean they could have told you that we're having a visit." He said while shrugging and correcting himself


"Could you be more specific and tell us clearly who is this "they" your talking about." Mori finally speaking "nicely"
"My, my are you naive? I could've said it before if i don't want you to find out about them from the start now are we?" Fyodor replied still playing he's game "Well...your not called the port mafia and the armed detective agency for nothing right? You have brains right? Prove it." Fyodor explained loud and clear.

"Now if could you please tell me-" he pause "WHO ARE THEY?"
he ask forming a heavy aura around him activating his gift, one wrong move or word will be the end of them. So they has to be careful...

(Hello again everyone, here i am once again continuing this story sorry for a short chapter. I may or may not have an idea how to continue this story but for the ending its still unknown so yea. Thanks again for supporting this story i will make sure it will be worth it! Bye guys and and stay tuned for the next chapter!

Who could be this 'they' fyodor is refering to? Tell me your guesses on the comment section!i might give a hint on who got the right answers


...Who I Was... •Nakajima Atsushi•Where stories live. Discover now