Day 15: Halfway There

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I wake up feeling blah. I slowly sit up. Then I feel it. The gross feeling of blood oozing out. I get up to get my period bag I made. I knew that I would be on it at least once while I was here.

I go to the bathroom and get myself cleaned up and medicated. I only just woke up and the cramps were already starting. They should die down soon to where I won't have to take medicine. I can deal with dull cramps but not full-blown ones. After I take care of the period related tasks, I go get dressed. Black capris and a red shirt.

I walk back in the room and grab my shoulder bag. I slightly plop on my side of the bed. I pull out the pocky I got yesterday. I open it and take one out. I start snacking on them since I'm not all that hungry right now.

Halfway through the second stick, I hear Kiba getting up. He stretches and grunts. He looks at me just as I'm about to take another bite. "Morning sleepy head." I take that bite after greeting him. "Morning. Um, whatcha got?" He points to my pocky stick. "Chocolate pocky." I softly chuckle. "Can I have one?" He looks towards the box in my other hand. I hand him the box. He takes it and pulls out two. I finish mine as Kiba starts eating his.

Instead of nibbling on it the way I did, he eats his in a few bites. He then holds the second one up. "Play a game with me?" The blood rushes to my cheeks. "Nothing romantic like the typical game. It's more of a game with skill. If we end up kissing, it wouldn't be intentional. Let's just see who can bite off the biggest piece. You already owe me a massage so no bets this time." He explained. "Yeah, you still gotta tell me when you want that." I poke his shoulder. "Yeah, I know. Anyways, you ready?" Kiba asks, putting one end of the pocky in between his teeth. I go and mirror him.

Kiba holds up his hand and counts to three. One, two, three. As quickly as possible, we try to bite off the biggest piece. After ten seconds, I feel the stick break. I don't know who won, but I was too distracted by the fact that our lips were barely a centimeter away. I sit back before that gap was closed. I pick out the broken stick and see it's just barely shorter than Kiba's. "Hey, you almost beat me. But we'll consider it a tie since the middle would have made us purposely kiss." He chuckled. I nod and lick my lips after eating my half.

I quickly changed the subject. "Sleep good?" I feel really embarrassed all of a sudden. "Yeah. You?" "Mmhm." I get off the bed. "That's good." He grins. "Wait, where are you going?" He tilts his head to the side. "Downstairs so you can get dressed. I'm not trying to see that ya know" I softly smile. "Oh. Right. " He scratched the back of his head with a nervous laugh. I bite my lip and leave.

I get downstairs and plop on the couch. I take a deep breath and sigh. What the hell is going on with me? Damn hormones. I slouch down and groan. I can feel the pouting expression on my face.

Before I know it, there's a knock at the door. I wanna ignore it and let someone else answer it. But I can't let anyone see me and ask what's wrong with me. I don't really know myself. I push myself off the couch. The least I can do is make an effort. I slowly crack open the door.

When there's a big enough opening, a tall figure comes into view. "K-Kakashi sensei?" What's he doing here so early? "Good morning, Maki." "You're early." A tiny yawn escapes. "Today we're doing a group check in in the front entrance at ten." He explains. I look at the clock on the wall. That's an hour from now. I turn my attention back to him. "Okay thanks." He nods his head and leaves.

Just as I'm closing the door, I hear footsteps from behind. I turn around and see Kiba. "So, who was that?" Kiba asks, plopping down on the couch. "It was Kakashi sensei. We're doing a group check in at the academy's front entrance at ten." I explain, sitting across from him. "I figured. Guess we'll eat something and head on over." He smiles softly. "Sure." I wrap my arms around myself. Kiba gets up. "You okay?" He asks when he looks at me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I attempt to assure him. "Just making sure your stomach isn't hurting too much." He puts his hands in his jacket pocket. "Thanks." I smile.

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