Day 19: Singing and Dancing the Night Away

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I wake up to clutching onto the bear. And an arm? My face heats up. Oh yeah. I fell asleep with Kiba petting my head. This must be the aftermath. I'm also flat on my back.

I feel better, but at the same time, I feel broken. Yet the pieces were glued back together, but the glue isn't fully dried. If that makes sense.

I lay there just a little longer. Oh yeah. Isn't today another check in day? I count back and realize that it is. I take a deep breath and let it out. Can't stay in bed too much longer then.

Kiba starts to stir. "Mmmm." "Hey sleepy head." I don't bother moving his arm. It's not hurting anything. "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice sleepy. "Truthfully? I don't know. Ask me again later." I half smile. He lifts up and tucks my hair behind my ear. "I'm always here if you need me." His voice deepens. "Thanks. As always." I reach up and ruffle his already messed up hair. "You're never not welcome, silly girl." He grins. I want to playfully kiss his cheek the way I do Naruto, but it feels off. The idea is innocent and harmless enough, but it doesn't feel right. Trying will cause more harm than good. Better safe than sorry. I smile softly at him.

Another day, another check in. This time, Kakashi only really came in to check for proof about the festival. I showed him the stuffed bear Kiba won for me. He was happy we had fun. He asked if we went on the last day. We told him I got sick and had to go home early. We left out a lot of the details since everything was still fresh.

I can't explain it, but I know Neji had something to do with the Kiba imposter situation. There's just not enough proof to say he did it. I wish he would have just talked to me about his feelings. I feel like a lot of shit could have been avoided. I know I'm to blame too in some ways, but at least I try.

Kakashi finished his paperwork and told us he'll see us next time. I sigh and look down. I'm still holding this stupid thing. I blush. I can't help but be attached to this simple toy. It's turned into my emotional support object.

Kiba went to go clean up his room, and I decided to hang out in the living room and read my book. A little alone time might be good for me. After reading for a while, I started huming to myself. Then words started to pop in my head. I quickly grab a scrap piece of paper and a pen. These are the words or shall I say the poem that came out of my head.

I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
Kiss you when I'm not supposed to
Love you when I'm not supposed to
All when I lay next to someone else
You're stuck inside my head
Can't seem to get you out of it
Your scent is stuck and I can't get it off of me
I try and try but you won't leave
Your voice constantly rings in my ears
I'm not happy unless you're near
I wanna love you when I'm not supposed to
Kiss you when I'm not supposed to
Be with you when I'm not supposed to
If I could do it all again would I end up with you

When I'm done, I look it over. My stomach sinks and my face gets bright red. I fold up the paper and shove it into my pocket. I try to cover up my thoughts with random songs. I hum a few chorus' before I find one I really want to sing. I figured out the song I wanna do and started singing it.

"You and I. We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky. With you, I'm alive. Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide. So stop time right here in the moonlight
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn. Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song. I'm just a sad song."

I feel someone walk up behind me. I stop singing and turn around. My cheeks flush when I see Kiba behind me. He smiles sweetly at me. "Awe, don't stop cause of me. I really like hearing you sing." He urges me to keep singing. I blush even more. I guess he can hear me sing. Instead of finishing, I decided to just sing a new song.

"Do you love the rain, does it make you dance when you're drunk with your friends at a party? What's your favorite song, does it make you smile?
Do you think of me?"

Kiba takes the opportunity to pull me off the couch and makes me dance with him. I blush, but I let him. I continue on with the song.

"When you close your eyes. Tell me, what are you dreamin'? Everything, I wanna know it all.

I'd spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more. Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours. And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try. If it's 10,000 hours or the rest of my life. I'm gonna love you."

He pulls me close when I finish the song. I always forget how much taller he is than me. Luckily, I'm not too short to dance with him. "Got one more song in ya?" He asks, setting us up to slow dance. I nod as my skin shivers when his hands touch my waist.

"I wanna come home to roses
And dirty little notes on Post-its. And when my hair starts turning gray. He'll say I'm like a fine wine, better with age.
I guess I learned it from my parents. That true love starts with friendship. A kiss on the forehead, a date night.
Fake an apology after a fight.

I need a man who's patient and kind. Gets out of the car and holds the door. I wanna slow dance in the living room like We're 18 at senior prom and grow old with someone who makes me feel young. I need a man who loves me like
my father loves my mom.

I want a road trip in the summers. I wanna make fun of each other. I wanna rock out to Billy Joel and flip our kids off when they call us old.
He'll accidentally burn our dinner. And let me be the scrabble winner. And when my body changes shapes. He'll say, "Oh my God, you look hot today".

I need a man who's patient and kind. Gets out of the car and holds the door. I wanna slow dance in the living room like We're 18 at senior prom and grow old with someone who makes me feel young. I need a man who loves me like my father loves my mom."

Even after I'm done with the song, we continue to sway back and forth. In the middle of the song, I felt something brush against my forehead. "What touched my forehead? It tingled." I questioned. "Uh, it was nothing. It was probably my chin that did it. Sorry." He nervously laughed. I don't know if I should believe him or not, but I let it go. "I don't have another song in me right now, but I don't mind dancing without the music." I smile. "Sure." He smiles sweetly. I stand on my tiptoes and hug him tight. He hugs back just as tight.

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