Day 18: Lantern Festival Day Two: A Night to Remember

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I wake up to my bear tucked under my arm. I get up and display it on the night stand. Instead of getting up right away, I lay back down. I turn on my side. At this point, I'm used to waking up literally next to Kiba.

When I wake up again, I don't feel the same amount of heat under the blanket. That must mean Kiba's up. I take a deep breath and stretch. I'm awake now. I think. A smile starts spreading across my face. Today's a day I don't have to worry about this damn project. I smile and laugh. I finally get to have a real date with Neji.

I soon find the motivation to get out of bed. I go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. Thirty minutes later, I walk downstairs dressed with damp hair. I turn around the corner and see Kiba at the kitchen table. He was eating cereal. He had set out a bowl and spoon for me. Awe. "Morning sleepy head. Sleep good?" He greets. "Really good actually." I faintly laugh. "Good. You were knocked out. I'm surprised you woke up long enough to change." He pops another bite into his mouth. "Me too." I make my bowl and start eating it.

I'm in the middle of eating when Kiba speaks again. "You still going with Neji tonight?" He asks. "As far as I'm aware of." Why's he asking that? Would he go with me again if I wasn't going with anyone else? "Alright, I might meet up with some friends then." He finishes off his cereal.  "Who?" I ask curiously. "I don't know. Whoever I run into I guess. Festivals are fun and all but sometimes one night is good enough for me." He shrugs. "Oh, I see." I go back to eating my breakfast.

Kiba and I end up lounging around until we had to start getting ready. We decided not to get too dressed up again. Kiba still wore a dress shirt but ditched the tie and unbuttoned one more button than last night. The dress I brought with me was a floral patterned, mint green, high low dress with spaghetti straps and it had a small slit on the side. I decided to wear flats this time to keep from getting blisters on my feet. Luckily, I didn't get any from last night.

Almost ten minutes after getting ready do we hear a knock on the door. I go to answer the door, but Kiba gets there first. I listen to them from the couch. "Hey." Kiba greets. "Hey Kiba. Where's Maki? She ready?" I hear Neji ask. "She's just finishing up. I'll go get her." I tilt my head to the side in confusion. Kiba shuts the door and walks over to me. I raise an eyebrow at him. "I hope you have fun tonight." Kiba smiles, pulling me into a hug. I hug back. "You too." "If anything happens, go to a food stall. I'm sure you'll run into a friend who'll stay with you. You can tell them whatever and that you're looking for me." He tells me. "O-Okay.." I watch him still confused. "I really hope you don't have to, but just in case." He hugs me just a little tighter. I lightly rub his back. It's gonna be a little weird not being around him tonight. But I know I'll see him again in a few hours. "Be careful." He breathes in my ear. "I will." I give him a little squeeze. We both pull away and walk back to the door where Neji stood on the other side.

Kiba opens the door and nervously laughs. "Here she is. Girls." I blush and playfully hit his arm. You goofball. You're the one who wanted to stall. "There's my beautiful princess." Neji smiles and then holds his hand out for me. I take it and give it a gentle squeeze. "See ya later Kiba." I smile and give a small wave. "I'll have her back by eleven." Neji said. "Alright see ya later." Kiba waves back. Neji and I leave and make our way to the festival.

When we get there, we play a few games together. But neither of us win anything sadly. To make up for it, we get some dango. It was really good. We come up on a bench with a trash can nearby. We throw away our sticks and take a break on the bench. Neji kisses on me and cuddles me on the bench. I giggle and squeal at the attention a bit. I missed this.

Neji gets up a few moments later. "Hey princess, I'll be right back. I need to go to the bathroom." "Alright. I'll be here." I assure him. He gives a small wave and leaves. I stretch and wait for him to come back. "Hey, Maki. What are you doing by yourself?" I look up and see Kiba walking towards me. "Uh, waiting for Neji. He went to the bathroom." I point in the direction Neji walked off in. "Oh, okay. Want me to wait with you?" He asks. "Sure, if you want to. He shouldn't be too long though." I fix my my dress when I notice my leg is showing too much. I feel an arm slip across my shoulders. I smile at him when I lift my head back up. His fingers start stroking my arm.

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