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Shawn Smirked As He Walked Towards His Wife Giving Her A Kiss On The Cheek. "Boy If You Don't Kiss My Lips" She Said Grabbing His Face Giving Him A Kiss On The Lips.

He Raised His Arm To Wipe The Gloss From His Lips "That's Why I Kissed Ya Damn Cheek" He Said As She Giggled Wiping Some If The Excess Gloss From His Lips. "You'll Be Alright" She Said As She Grabbed His Hand As They Walked Inside The Prestigious Private School. They Finally Gave In And Set Up An Appointment.

"Mr. And Mrs.Carter?" Asked The Secretary With A Huge Smile. "Yes" Beyoncé Smiled.

"Such A Beautiful Couple! Now You Guys Can Take A Seat. Would You Like Coffee, Tea And Or Water?" She Asked.

Beyoncé Chuckled Looking At Shawn "Cold Voss" He Said. The Secretary Smiled "Of Course And I'm Diamond By The Way"

Beyoncé Nodded Her Head As They Walked Over To The Seat "Okay Black Girl With A Black Name...I'm Liking It Already" She Whispered As She Crossed Her Legs.

"Baby, You Didn't Do Your Research? I Told You To Do Yesterday" He Said.

"I Forgot But I Know Lauren Just Texted You All The Info"

He Smirked "Actually Called While I Rode Over Here"

"A Damn Shame" Beyoncé Whispered As He Wrapped His Arm Around Her Pulling Her Close As Diamond Came Out Handing Shawn The Water Bottle As He Thanked Her. "This Is PB Baby, The Classes Are Top Tier" He Whispered As He Opened The Bottle Taking A Couple Of Sips.

"See I Didn't Even Know That" She Said, Taking The Bottle From Him. As A Older Women Walked Out Of A Room Smiling Brightly Opening Her Mouth.

They Stood To Their Feet As Shawn Coughed Tugging On His Tie. "Shawn Carter The Money Mogul" She Said Hugging Him As Beyoncé Stood There With Her Eye Raised.

Shawn Released From Her Embrace Placing His Hand On Beyoncé's Back "This Is My Wife Beyoncé-"

"I Know...It's Lovely To Meet You" She Smiled Reaching Out Her Hand. Letting Her Eyes Race Up And Down Beyoncé's Body. She Couldn't Believe That She Was Standing Before Her And Looking The Way She Did, Which Was Beautiful. It Made Her Feel Intimidated.

"I'm A Hugger!" Beyoncé Faked Smiled As She Wrapped Her Arms Around The Woman.

They Released From Each Others Embrace As She Cleared Her Throat "You Actually Settled Down" She Smiled.

"This Is Veronica" He Said As She Arched Her Eyebrow. She Was More Than That And Shawn Knew That. They Were Together For A Good Year.

"I'm The Dean Of This School And It's A Pleasure To Meet You Beyoncé-"

"Mrs.Carter" Beyoncé Corrected With A Fake Smile. Veronica Kept That Same Energy "Why Don't We Get This Interview Started" She Faked Smiled Leading The Way.

Shawn Reached For Beyoncé's Hand Only For Her To Snatch It Away Following Behind Veronica. He Cleared His Throat As They Took Their Seats.

"So I've Looked Over Roame?" Veronica Asked.

Beyoncé Smiled Softly "Rumi...You Know After The Persian Poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī. Thought You Would've Known That"

Veronica Chuckled Lightly "Poetry Isn't Really My Thing"

Beyoncé Smiled "Hmmm Best Part Of English For Me" She Placed Her Hand On Shawn's Thigh As Veronica Looked Down At It.

"Back To The Topic At Hand...We're Getting Off Track" Veronica Giggled.

"I'm Sure You Got More Things To Do, Check Up On Classes, Look Through Test Scores...All That Fun Stuff"

Veronica Smiled Staring Into Beyoncé's Eyes "So I Uh-Heard That You Guys Offer Spanish In Kindergarten?" Shawn Asked Trying To Steer The Conversation Over.

Veronica Looked At Him "Yes We Do, Along With Other Languages. Ninety Percent Of Our Students Graduate From Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Cornell You Name It. Look I've Already Seen Rumi's Scores And Other Things. She Truly Is Gifted And I Think You Guys Should Allow Us To Over Exceed The Potential She Already Has"

"Can We Have A Tour?" Beyoncé Asked. Shawn Looked At Her But She Kept Her Head Forward. He Knew Exactly What She Was Doing And He Wasn't Down With That. "Anything For You Guys" Veronica Said As She Smiled At Shawn.

They Proceeded To Look Around The School That Looked Like A College Campus. Beyoncé Definitely Was Impressed But She Wasn't So Sure Just Yet Since She Knew Something Happened Between Shawn And Veronica.

"So I Hope I Will Get A Call With Some Good News Soon" Veronica Smiled As They Stood Outside In Front Of The School.

"Hopefully" Beyoncé Smiled.

"It Was Good Seeing You Again Shawn-"

"You Know I Don't Remember Mentioning How You Two Met" Beyoncé Said. Veronica Looked At Shawn "Just Old Friends" She Said With A Small Smile.

Beyoncé Looked Down At Her Apple Watch "I Don't Want Us To Miss Our Reservation" She Lied Looking At Shawn.

"Uh Thank You Again" Shawn Said As Veronica Waved As She Walked Back Inside. Beyoncé Turned On Her Heels Getting Into Her BMW. "Bey" Shawn Called Following In As She Slammed Her Door In His Face.

"I Don't Want To Talk About This Here" She Said As She Rolled Down Her Window. "Are You Upset?" He Asked.

Beyoncé Turned Her Head With A Smile "No, Why Would I Be?"

Shawn Placed His Hand On The Top Of Her Car "Come On I Know You"

"And I Thought I Knew You" She Said.

"So What ? You Want Me To Tell You How I Know Her?"

"Bingo!" She Said With A Smile.

Shawn Clenched His Teeth "Remember When We Broke Up?"

"Which Time Was This?" She Asked. "Aye Calm That Shit Down"

Beyoncé Rolled Her Eyes Letting Him Continue. "This Was After Your Graduation And When We Got Back Together We Both Asked Each Other If We Seen Other People...I Told You Just One And It Ended Quickly?"

Beyoncé Nodded Her Head "How Did It End?"

"I Ended Things"

"Why?" She Asked. Shawn Looked At Her "Because She Wasn't You"

"She Clearly Still Wants You"

Shawn Licked His Lips "Let's Not Step Back Into Our Past"

"I'm Not Stressing...But You Do Have A Type" Beyoncé Said.

Shawn Clenched His Teeth "And What's That?"

"Tamera" She Shot. "Really Beyoncé?"

"She Looks Just Like Her" Beyoncé Said. Shawn Shook His Head "You Acting Real Mature" He Said Sarcastically.

"I'm Not Mad, She Was Before Me" Beyoncé Said As He Looked Into Her Eyes. It Was So Hard To Tell, He Knew It Was A Trick Question.

"I'll See You At The House Baby" She Said. Shawn Stared At Her As She Started Up The Car Driving Off Leaving Him Standing In The Parking Lot Alone.

"What The Fuck" He Said To Himself Before Getting Into His Own Car.

Enticing Enchantment | Book 4 Where stories live. Discover now