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Time Really Was Moving Faster Then Ever And Things In Beyoncé's Life Was Finally Looking Up. She Felt Like She Had Full Control, Even Getting Back Into Painting Again And Selling Some Pieces Online For A Pretty Penny. It Was Beginning To Be Such A Huge Side Hustle That She Even Created A Website. Galleries Started Reaching Out To Her. It Was Crazy How Her Life Had Changed So Much. Her Hair Was Now A Whole Nice Medium Fro. She Was Just Loving Herself And Finally Accepting The Things That Happened In Her Past Instead Of Feeling Guilty About It.

As For Shawn Things Weren't As Great For The Most Part. It Was Like After Christmas Going Into The New Year Things Started To Take A Down Fall And He Seemed To Fight Most Of His Battles On His Own. He Had No Friends And He Wanted To Respect Raven Enough To Not Talk To Beyoncé Often Unless It Involved The Kids. Not To Mention Julez Was Actually Approved To Graduate This Year Instead Of Next Year, He Spent Most Of His Time Helping Him Get Ready For His Future.

"So Can You Watch Them?" Beyoncé Asked Snapping Him Out Of His Thoughts.

"Huh?" He Asked Clearing His Throat.

"I Said I Have A Gallery Event To Attend Tomorrow Evening It's Last Minute" Beyoncé Repeated. She Looked At Him As He Seemed To Daze Out Making Her Squint Her Eyes.

She Sat Down Next To Him On The Couch "You Okay?" She Asked. He Looked At Her With A Soft Smile "Yeah-Yeah My Bad, Um Yeah I Should Be Able To Watch Them" He Said.

Beyoncé Looked Into His Eyes Seeing Them Slightly A Shade Darker. "What's Up With Your Eyes? They Looking A Different Color" She Said Leaning In Close To His Face Making Him Back Up.

"Aye I Don't Want To Smell Your Funky Breath" He Joked As She Hit Him On The Arm. "Don't Play With Me"

He Laughed Crossing His Leg "Julez Last Game Is This Friday He Wants A Graduation Party Too"

"Of Course, I'm So Proud Of My Big Baby. Graduating Early"

"Yeah I've Been Able To Hear Some Talks About Some Deals Being Made" Shawn Smirked.

"So He Really Wants To Go Straight To Basketball?"

"He Does" Shawn Said. Beyoncé Looked At Him Before He Started Letting Out A Nasty Cough. "You Sure You Good?" She Asked.

"Yeah I'm Fine, Um What Time Your Dropping The Girls Off Tomorrow?" He Asked.

"Probably Six"

"Alright Cool" He Said As She Got Up Going To His Kitchen. "You Want Me To Make You Some Tea?" She Asked As He Followed Her.

"Nah I'm Good Just A Little Cough" He Said Sitting At The Island. "Mhm" She Said Going Into The Pantry Grabbing A Tea Bag Preparing The Hot Water.

"I Told You I'm Goo-"

"Shawn You Never Once Were Sick You Don't Get Sick Something Is Up And You Will Tell Me" She Said.

"Look, We Have To Talk About Our Divorce" He Said Changing The Subject. She Had Her Back Turned Towards Him. They Still Were Separated And Haven't Made The Steps To File For Divorce Yet. But She Honestly Didn't Want To Be Divorced By Him.

"What About It?" She Asked.

"Raven Keeps Chewing Me Out About It, We Have To File Get This All Over With" He Replied.

"I Don't Know Why She's Mad...She Knew You Were Separated When Y'all Met" She Said Turning Around To Face Him.


"I'm Just Saying"

"She Feels Like We Can't Really Be Together Until I'm Officially Divorced And I Agree" He Said.

"But Do You Really Wanna Divorce This Pretty Face" She Smirked Leaning Over The Island To Look Into His Eyes.

"I Do" He Lied. "Your Lost" She Said.

"So You Don't Have Somewhere To Be?"

"Damn You Tryna Kick Me Out Already?" She Asked. "I Mean You Just Came Over To Talk About The Kids And Now We're Done"

"I'm Making You Tea Though"

"That I Didn't Ask For" He Said. Beyoncé Playfully Rolled Her Eyes Before Hearing The Front Door Slam "Baby!" Raven Yelled.

Beyoncé Let Out A Sigh "Kitchen!" Shawn Called.

"When Did She Start Calling You Baby?" Beyoncé Asked. "Jealous Much?" He Asked.

"Never" Beyoncé Lied. Raven Walked In Going To Shawn Kissing His Lips "Baby Your Eyes" She Said Grazing The Sides Of It.

"I Know I'm Fine" He Said. "Did You Eat? I'll Make You Some-"

"NO!...I Mean I'm Not Really Hungry" He Said. Raven Looked Over At Beyoncé "Oh! I Didn't Know You Were Here...But I'm Not Surprised" She Said Mumbling The Last Part.

Beyoncé Raised Her Eyebrows "Just Needed To Discuss Somethings" She Said.

Raven Looked At Shawn "I Assume About The Divorce?" She Smiled.

"No About Our Children If You Must Know"

Beyoncé Turned Around Taking The Kettle Off The Stove Pouring It Into The Mug. "Well Now That You're Here, I Wanted Your Permission To Have Girls Day With The Kids" Raven Smiled.

Beyoncé Added Sugar To The Mug "What Day Were You Planning On Doing This?"

"Hopefully Next Weekend?" Raven Asked.

"Yeah Their Busy That Day" Beyoncé Lied As She Placed The Mug In Front Of Him. "My Lemon" He Said.

"I Know I Know But You Don't Have Any" Beyoncé Said. "Well Whenever Their Free" Raven Chimed In.

"Uh I'll Think About It" She Faked Smiled. "Well Let Me Go Add More Clothes To My Closet" Raven Faked Smiled Kissing Shawn Cheek Before Heading Upstairs.

Beyoncé Rolled Her Eyes "You Know Her True Colors Have Really Come Out These Last Few Months"

"You Throw Shade At Her All The Time And She Fights Back" He Said As He Started Drinking The Tea.

"Seriously Though, What's Up With You?"

"Nothing Now Stop Asking" He Replied.

"I've Know You For More Than Ten Years Shawn...I Know You Better Then You Know Yourself"

He Looked Into Her Eyes "I Said I'm Fine"

Beyoncé Stared Into His Eyes "I Will Find Out"

He Shook His Head "When Is Solange Moving Out Again?"

"Um The Twenty-Fifth I Believe"

She Was Finally Able To Move Out On Her Own With Working At Amazon Under Kelly. She Was Even Trying To Convince Julez To Move In Spend His Last Few Months With Her.

"Alright, I'll Be There To Help" He Said.

"Okay Great, Thank You For This"

"No Problem" He Said Taking Another Sip From The Hot Mug.

"Well I Guess I Should Go" She Said.

"Thanks For The Tea"

"Mhm...Tell That Ya Trick To Watch Her Mouth When She's Talking To Me" She Said Before Leaving.

Shawn Shook His Head Letting Out A Long Sigh.

Enticing Enchantment | Book 4 Where stories live. Discover now