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Beyoncé Walked Into Shawn's Home Looking Around To Find Her Daughters. She Was Picking Rumi Up For A Little Day Out With Her And Her Best Friend. She Walked Up The Stairs To Rumi's Room To See Both Girls Playing. "Hey Mama's" She Smiled As They Looked Up From Playing Dolls On The Floor.

"Mommy!" Rumi Said Getting Up With Her Best Friend. "Hey Hailey" She Said Kissing Her Head.

"Hi Ms.BB" She Said.

"You Grew A Whole Foot Since That Sleepover" Beyoncé Joked As She Giggled. "I'm Taller Than Her" Rumi Said Standing Beside Her.

"No Your Not!" Hailey Laughed. "You Girls Ready?" Beyoncé Asked.

"Yes We've Been Waiting Forever For You" Rumi Shaded. "Excuse You" Beyoncé Said As She Ran Her Hands Through Her Freshly Made Goddess Braids With The Braided Heart On The Side.

"I Wish I Can Get My Hair Braided Like That" Hailey Frowned. Beyoncé Looked At The Small White Girl Uneasy. "With Your Own Hair You Can" Rumi Smiled Before Grabbing Her Small Kate Spade Purse. Beyoncé Eyes Widen With Shock.

Hailey Had Been Rumi's Friend Since Daycare Days. They Even Went To The Same School Together Until Rumi Transferred This Year. With Them Not Being Able To See Each Other Everyday Beyoncé And Haileys Mom Tries To Schedule Playdates As Often As They Can.

"Can You Do It Ms.BB?" Hailey Smiled. "We Can Ask Your Mom When She Picks You Up Later" She Said As They Walked Past Beyoncé.

"Uh Excuse Y'all" She Said As They Turned Around Confused. "Clean Up Your Mess" Beyoncé Finished.

Both Girls Walked Back Into The Room While Beyoncé Went To Find Shawn. She Walked Into His Master Bedroom To See Him In Bed With Raven.

"Oh Shit" She Said Backing Up. "Don't You Knock Woman" He Said Sitting Up As Raven Removed Her Head From His Chest.

"I-I Didn't Know She Was Here My Bad" Beyoncé Said.

"It's Okay" Raven Said Getting Up From The Bed In Lounge Wear Causing Beyoncé Eyebrow To Arch.

"I Wasn't Apologizing To You" Beyoncé Whispered As Raven Left Them Alone In The Room. "Yo You Can't Be Bussing In Without Knocking Beyoncé" He Said.

"This Is My House...Hell"

Shawn Looked Up At Her "We Could've Been Doing Something...Boundaries"

"Well I'm Still Not Used To Her Being Around So Much, I Mean Is Her Place Getting Fumigated?" Beyoncé Asked.

He Chuckled "Is Someone Jealous?"

"No, I'm Just Saying...Go Home Hoe" Beyoncé Mumbled The Last Part.

He Got Up From The Bed Walking Towards Her "What Time Your Bringing Them Back?"

"I Think The Movie Is Like An Hour Long So Maybe Seven Or Eight, I Know Haileys Dad Is Picking Her Up From Here Right?"

"Well I Actually Offered To Drop Her Off So Can You?" He Asked As Beyoncé Cocked Her Head To The Side.

He Chuckled "I'll Make It Up To You"

Beyoncé Smirked "Foot Rub?"

Shawn Twisted Up His Face "I Don't Wanna Touch Those Crusty Shits"

Beyoncé Hit Him In The Chest "Don't Play With Me"

He Laughed "I'll Think Of Something"

"Is Blue Still Out With Her Friends?" Beyoncé Asked. After Her Practice From The Play The Parents Rotate In Taking Them Out For Ice Cream Or To The Mall And Drops Each Kid Home.

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