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Beyoncé Laid Peacefully On Shawn Hearing His Heart Beat. She Yawned Lightly Slowly Rising Up From His Chest But Shawn Pulled Her Back Down On His Chest Making Her Giggle. "We Have To Get Up...I Should Leave" She Said Softly.

He Opened His Eyes "Why? The Girls Don't Come Home Until Tomorrow"

"Julez Will Be Coming Back Today" She Reminded Him. He Had Slept Over His Friends House.

"It Won't Be Until Later" He Said.

Beyoncé Got Up From On Top Of Him Walking Out Of The Master Bedroom To Get Her Clothes From Downstairs. "Your Seriously Going To Leave?" He Asked.

"I Shouldn't Even Let This...Get This Far" She Said Putting On Her Clothes While He Did The Same.

He Looked Down Knowing She Was Right. "I-I'm Sorry For Letting My Emotions Get The Best Of Me" She Finished.

"You Don't Have To Apologize" He Said. Beyoncé Grabbed Her Purse Fixing Up Her Sweated Out Hair.

"But I Do, I've Worked So Hard To Become A Better Woman Then I Was And I Slipped Up Again. Fucking Shit Up Yet Again. Your Dating Someone And I Ruined That...So For That I'm Sorry"

Shawn Shook His Head "It's My Fault Too"

Beyoncé Smiled Softly "I-I Should Go"

She Turned And Walked To The Door Only To See Raven With Her Hand Up About To Knock On The Door. "Beyoncé?" She Asked. It Was Weird To See Her Here So Early And The Kids Were No Where In Sight.

"Uh Hey...Bye" She Said Walking Past Her Before She Called Her. "Rushing Out So Quickly? I Was Going To Make Breakfast You Should Stay" Raven Smiled Weakly. She Felt So Guilty For Coming At Her About Helping Shawn And Wanted To Make Their Relationship Better.

"No I Sho-"

"Stay Bey" Shawn Said Looking Into Her Eyes. Raven Turned Towards Him Causing Beyoncé To Shake Her Head At Him. "She'll Stay" He Said Stepping Aside To Let Both Women Enter The Home.

"You Like Pancakes, Eggs And Bacon?" Raven Asked Beyoncé. "Yeah That's-That's Fine" Beyoncé Faked Smiled.

Raven Smiled Going To The Kitchen Leaving The Two Alone. "Why Would You Do This To Me?" Beyoncé Whispered.

Shawn Smirked "I Didn't Want You To Leave"

"That's Not The Point, Your Girl Is Here. We Just Just Had Sex Shawn. This Is Bad"

He Chuckled "I Know...I Wasn't Even Expecting Her To Drop By"

Beyoncé Rolled Her Eyes As Julez Entered Dropping His Duffle Bag On The Floor "Auntie?" He Asked With Confusion On His Face.

"Hey Baby" She Smiled As He Walked Over Giving Them A Hug As They Kissed Either Sides Of His Head.

"How Was Your Weekend?" She Asked Making Small Talk. "It Was Good...What Are You Doing Here?" He Asked As His Eyebrows Furrowed.

"I Actually Had To Do Some Last Minute Wrapping And Stuff So Can You Help Me Put These Presents In The Santa Room" Beyoncé Said.

Julez Smiled "No Problem, I Can't Wait For Christmas"

"I Bet You Can't" She Chuckled Rubbing Her Hand Through His Curly Hair Before He Started On The Task.

Shawn Looked At Her "I'm Just Going To Say I'm Not Feeling Well" Beyoncé Said Walking Towards The Kitchen.

Shawn Grabbed Her Hand Causing Her To Look Down At It Snatching It Away Quickly "Look Don't Leave Aight?"

"I Need To Go This Is Wrong" Beyoncé Whispered. Raven Walked Out The Kitchen "Uh...Are You Guys Up To Go Out To Eat?" She Asked Uneasy. Raven Wasn't A Good Cook At All But She Always Tried To.

Enticing Enchantment | Book 4 Where stories live. Discover now