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"So Why Weren't You Home When We Woke Up?"
Blue Asked. Beyoncé Had Just Picked Them Up From School And Even Though She Was Still Hurting Inside She Tried Her Best To Put On A Brave Face For Her Girls.

"Yeah Auntie Judy Made Cinnamon Pancakes" Rumi Added. "Yeah You Really Missed Out" Blue Said.

Beyoncé Smiled Weakly "I Was Helping Auntie Kelly"

They Nodded Their Heads As They Pulled Into The Driveway "Can We Watch Encanto Mommy?" Rumi Asked.

"Uh Sure" Beyoncé Said As They Entered The Home. Julez Was Watching Television In The Living Room And Shawn Came Out His Office.

"Daddy!" Both Girls Said As They Ran Up To Him. "How's My Favorite Girls?" He Asked Picking Them Both Up. "Good, I Got Green Again" Rumi Bragged.

"Well I Won The Relay Race At Recess" Blue Said.

"Good Good" He Said As Beyoncé Cleared Her Throat. "Why Don't Y'all Go Get A Snack" He Suggested As He Placed Them Back On The Ground Leaving The Two Alone.

"I Think We Should Talk To The Kids-"

"You Don't Want To Talk First? I- I Can't Tell Them That...We" Beyoncé Tried To Say.

"Nah No Need For All That. My Mind Is Set"

"Your Not Over Me Shawn Come On" She Said Softly. "Doesn't Matter, You Had Your Name Carved Into My Heart...Not Many People Can Do That. You Know That And You Scratched That Shit Out"

Beyoncé Looked Down "I Can't Do This To Them, This Literally Happened Yesterday. You Don't Want To Fight For-"

"I Told You Before I Married You Beyoncé-"

"I Know I Know I Know"

He Sighed "I Don't Want To Tell Them But You Made This Happen"

"But I Can Fix This-"

"You Can't Mend A Broken Heart" He Said. Beyoncé Stared Into His Eyes As Julez Walked Up To Them "You Wanna Play 2K?" He Asked As He Looked At Them Trying To Read The Room.

"Actually We Need To Have A Family Meeting In The Living Room" He Said Walking Past Her.

Beyoncé Stared Off Into Space Feeling Her Heart Drop To Her Stomach. "Girls! Family Meeting In The Living Room...Come On" He Called.

She Felt A Tear Escape And She Quickly Wiped It. "Mommy!" Rumi Called. Beyoncé Let Out A Sigh Shaking Her Head Joining Them In The Living Room.

"We Never Have Family Meetings" Julez Said As They Both Stood Next To Each Other. While The Kids Sat On The Couch. "We Have Something Very Serious To Talk To You Guys About" Shawn Spoke.

"Are We Getting A Puppy?!" Rumi Asked As Her Eyes Lit Up. "No Princess" He Said.

"Well Tell Us" Julez Said Getting Impatient. "You Know Your Mother And I Love You Guys So Much But Sometimes Mommys And Daddys Can't Be Together Long-"

"Your Getting A Divorce?!" Julez Snapped Getting Up From The Couch.

"What's A Divorce?" Blue Asked Twisting Up Her Face. "It's When Two Parents Break Up, Nobody In This Family Can Stay Together" Julez Said Shaking His Head.

"Mommy And Daddy...Your...You Don't Love Each Other Anymore?" Blue Asked Softly As She Began To Cry.

"Why?" Rumi Asked As Her Lips Began To Quiver. They Both Sat In Between The Girls Trying To Comfort Them.

"It's So Unfair! Can I Please Be Excused" Julez Asked. Shawn Nodded His Head As He Went To His Room Slamming The Door.

"I Don't Want You To Break Up" Blue Cried. Shawn Picked Rumi Up Placing Her On His Lap "It's Okay Baby"

"It's Not Fair" Blue Cried. "I Know Baby, But What's Important Is We Love You Guys And-"

"Does That Mean Rumi And I Will Split Too?!" Blue Asked As She Sniffled. "I Don't Wanna Leave" Rumi Said.

"No-I-" Beyoncé Stuttered. They Haven't Even Discussed All That And Honestly It Was The Last Thing On Their Mind.

After Hours Of Comforting Them And Answering All The Questions They Had. Beyoncé Went To Julez Checking Up On Him. "I Really Don't Want To Talk To You"

"And Why?"

"Cause Your Always Taking Away My Happiness...I Know This Is All Your Fault Right?"

"Watch How You Talk To Me Little Boy" She Said Pointing At Him. He Sighed "I Wanna Be Alone" He Whispered.

Beyoncé Sighed Leaving His Room To See Shawn Catching Her Off Guard. "I Think You Should Go"


"You Need To Leave, The Girls Will Be Going To Sleep Soon So No Need For You To Be Here" He Said.

Beyoncé Bent Her Head "This Is My House Too"

"It Was" He Said. "You Don't Have To Keep Giving Me The Cold Shoulder"

"Are You Shitting Me? You Deserve So Much More Than That" He Said.

Beyoncé Looked Down Walking Down The Stairs "Wait...I'm Sorry. That Was A Little Harsh"

"I Deserved It" She Said Softly Before Leaving The House.

"My Poor Babies, I Know Their Still Confused" Kelly Said As They Talked Over Some Spaghetti She Cooked Earlier. "My Babies Barely Cry But When They Do...It's The Worst Thing" She Said Softly As Flashbacks Roamed In Her Head.

"They Will Eventually Get Used To All This But It Is A Drastic Change So Be Patient With Them"

"Yeah I Know"

"You Did The Hardest Part Now It's Just Trying To Make Everything Work"

Beyoncé Nodded Her Head As Her Phone Vibrated. She Rolled Her Eyes "Who That?" Kelly Asked.

"Tae...He's Been Blowing Me Up. I'm About To Block His Ass"

"Was The D Even Worth It?"

Beyoncé Rolled Her Eyes "It Was Not Which Makes Me Even More Mad At Myself"

"Damn At Least He Cute"

Beyoncé Gave Her A Blank Stare "Too Early?" Kelly Asked. "Way Too Damn Early" She Said As They Both Laughed.

"This Really Sucks, My Kids Are Gonna Be Asking Me So Many Questions"

Beyoncé Sighed Finishing Her Wine. "Shit What About Thanksgiving?"

She Shrugged "I Have Not A Clue"

"We Were Supposed To Do It At The Lake House" Kelly Reminded.

"I-I Don't Know"

Kelly Rubbed Her Back "It'll Get Better And Easier"

"I Hope So" She Said Softly Looking At Her Best Friend. "You Dug Your Own Grave"

"Quit Reminding Me" She Mumbled. "I Got To. I'm Team Shawn"

Beyoncé Looked Down At Her Fingers Feeling The Salty Tears Stream Down Her Face "I Really Fucked Up"

"Awe Bey" She Said. "My Babies Are Heart Broken, My Husband Doesn't Even Want To Fight For This Marriage"

"I'm Just Going To Take A Shower" She Said Softly Before Placing Her Empty Dish In The Sink.

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