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Beyoncé Wiped The Chip Residue From Rumi's Cheek. "Can We Go To The Park Please" She Asked Poking Out Her Bottom Lip As Her Mother Chuckled.

"We Have To Ask Your Daddy" She Said Raising Up Straight Holding Her Youngest Hand. Julez Game Just Finished And The Two Of Them Were Waiting On The Side.

Shawn Walked Up With Raven And Blue Next To Him "Julez Sucked!" Blue Teased. "Hey! Don't Start" Beyoncé Said Pointing To Blue As She Wrapped Her Arms Around Her Mothers Waist. Beyoncé Leaned Down Kissing Her Lips. "I'm Starving" Blue Whined.

"Okay What Y'all Want To Eat?" She Asked Wiping Blue's Face. "Can We Just Go To Chuck E Cheese?!" Rumi Asked.

"Yes Please?" Blue Agreed. Beyoncé Looked Up At Shawn Who Whispering To Raven As They Smirked At Each Other. The Envy Began To Boil Inside Of Her. Raven Seemed Nice And The Girls Seemed To Feel The Same. It Just Made Her Mad To See Him With Someone Else And Being All Lovey Dovey In Her Face.

"Shawn Ya Kids Begging For Food" She Said. He Looked At Them "What Y'all Want To Eat?" He Asked.

Raven Wrapped Her Arm Around His Waist Making Him Smile "Chuck E Cheese You Didn't Just Hear Us?" Blue Asked With A Slight Attitude.

"He Was Stuck In La La Land" Beyoncé Mumbled. "No Baby Girl Sorry, We Can Go There" He Looked At Raven "You Good With That?"

She Smiled Nodding Her Head. "You Guys Cool With Ms.Raven Joins Us?" He Asked.

Blue Looked At Rumi "Is She Paying For Us To Get Extra Tokens?" Blue Asked.

Raven Giggled "I Can Do That"

"Okay She Can Come" Rumi Smiled.

Julez Came Out In His Basketball Jersey "You Did So Good Baby!" Beyoncé Smiled.

Julez Felt His Cheeks Get Hot "Not Too Loud Auntie Please"

"Whatever, Let Me Get A Picture Of You" She Smiled Holding Out Her Phone. Julez Looked Around Shaking His Head Snapping A Couple Of Pictures And A Few With The Girls And Shawn.

"Can I Got Out? My Friends Wanna Go To The Mall" He Said.

"Limit Is A Grand Don't Go Over" Shawn Ordered. With Julez Getting Closer To Eighteen They Both Agreed To Get Him A Debit Card Give Him Some Responsibility. So Far He Was Handling It Very Well.

"Okay Unc...Uh Nice Meeting You Ms.Raven" Julez Said Softly. To Him She Was Drop Dead Gorgeous And Seemed Sweet But He Was Definitely Going To Have His Guard Up Because He Wasn't Expecting Her To Last.

Raven Smiled "You Too, You Did Awesome"

He Nodded His Head Before Kissing The Girls Cheeks Along With His Aunts. Then Giving Shawn A Dap Before Catching Up With His Friends Going To His Car.

"I'm So Proud Of Him" Beyoncé Smiled.

"He Seems Like A Good Kid" Raven Joined In. The Whole Night She Was Trying To Connect With Beyoncé And Seemed Like She Was Keeping It Cute. The Woman Made Her Feel So Insecure, She Was So Beautiful And Intimidating At The Same Time.

"We Practically Raised Him" Beyoncé Said As She Grabbed The Girls Hands. "So Where's His Mom If You Don't Mind Me Asking?" She Asked As Shawn Grabbed Her Hand.

"I Actually Do Mind, That's Kind Of Personal"

Shawn Looked At Beyoncé "Oh Understandable I'm Sorry If I Crossed Any Boundaries"

"No No Your Fine" Beyoncé Faked Smiled.

"Okay Y'all Coming With Me Or Mommy?" Shawn Asked Already Knowing They Were Going To Choose Him.

"Mommy" They Both Said Racing To Her Car. "They Never Say You" He Frowned.

Beyoncé Giggled "They Don't Want To Be In The Car With A Stranger...No Offense"

Raven Nodded Her Head. It Did Make Her Feel Some Type Of Way Cause She Thought The Girls Liked Her. "It's Okay" Raven Smiled Softly.

"Okay Chuck E Cheese On Fourth?" Beyoncé Asked Looking At Shawn. He Nodded His Head Before They Hopped In Separate Cars.

Shawn Paid For The Cards With The Girls Standing Next To Him While Raven Sat Across From Beyoncé At The Table. "So" Raven Managed To Say As She Looked At Her.

"So?" Beyoncé Asked. Raven Chuckled "I'm So Bad At This...I Just Want All Of You To Like Me" She Confessed.

"Eventually We Will, You Seem Like A Nice Girl And Shawn Looks Like He Adores You...I Just Want You To Know I Don't Play When It Comes To My Kids" Beyoncé Said.

"Of Course, I Adore Children. I Have A Little Sister So"

"Do You Want Any?" She Asked.

"Kids?" She Asked As Beyoncé Nodded Her Head. "I Really Don't Know. It's A Huge Responsibility"

"It Is And I Felt The Same Way But That Changed When They Came" Beyoncé Smiled As She Looked At Them Playing Around With Shawn As He Stood At The Counter Still Paying For The Cards.

"You Guys Have Cute Kids" Raven Complimented. "Thank You"

Shawn Returned With Rumi On His Back "Bey You Playing?"

"Nah I'm Just Going To Eat" She Said. The Pizza Was Her Guilty Pleasure. "I'll Play" Raven Said Getting Up.

"Let's Go!" Shawn Said As He Started Marching Making Rumi's Head Bounce As She Giggled.

Beyoncé Ordered Pizza And Wings The Scrolled Through Her Phone To Past Time. Once The Food Came She Started Eating Wasting No Time. She Looked Over At Them As They Played A Game All Together.

Raven Looked At Shawn Smirking As He Smirked Back. After They Finished That Game She Seen Them Kiss While The Girls Twisted Up Their Faces Making Her Giggle. Blue Came Running Up To Her Mother "Why You Didn't Tell Us The Food Was Here" She Frowned. "Cause You Were Playing"

Rumi Joined "Aht! Hands" Beyoncé Said.

Both Girls Pulled Out Their Hands While Beyoncé Squirted Sanitizer In Their Hands. "It Smells So Good" Rumi Said As Grabbed A Slice.

"It Always Smells Good" Blue Agreed Chewing Up Her Slice. "So What Do You Guys Think Of Ms.Raven?" Beyoncé Asked. She Was Beyond Curious To Know What They Thought.

"She's Aight" Blue Said.

"She's Always Under Daddy" Rumi Shrugged.

"Yeah It's Weird" Blue Said.

"But I Used To Be All Up Under Daddy" Beyoncé Said. "But You Guys Were Married" Blue Said.

"Right!" Rumi Agreed. Beyoncé Chuckled Shaking Her Head "Do You Like Her Mommy?" Blue Asked.

"She's Sweet, If Your Daddy Is Happy Then We Should Be Happy That's All That Matters" Beyoncé Said.

"I Guess" Blue Mumbled.

"Okay Mommy" Rumi Said. After Finishing They Went Back To Playing Games Until It Was Getting Late.

Beyoncé Kissed Both Her Girls "Mommy Why Can't You Come Home With Us?" Blue Pouted.

"Yeah Just For A Few Minutes" Rumi Said. "I Have To Go Home, But I'll See Y'all Next Week Remember?" Beyoncé Asked.

"No I Have Try Outs For The School Play Tomorrow, You Said You'll Be There" Blue Said.

"Oh That's Right, I Know My Baby Will Get The Lead"

"You Think So?" Blue Asked Nervously. "Your A Carter...We Can Do Anything" Beyoncé Said.

"Okay Girls We Gotta Go" Shawn Said. The Girls Gave Their Mom One Last Hug Before Getting In The Car. "It Was So Nice To Meet You" Raven Said.

"Likewise" Beyoncé Faked Smiled. Shawn Looked At Her Catching The BS From A Mile Away. "I'll Call You Later" He Said Raising His Eyebrows As She Smirked.

Enticing Enchantment | Book 4 Where stories live. Discover now