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Rumi Ran Towards Beyoncé While Her Jojo Siwa Book Bag Swung Side To Side.

"How Was Your Day Mama?"Beyoncé Asked As She Kneeled Down Towards Her Height To Embrace Her Young Tot.

"Great!" Rumi Smiled As She Stood Grabbing Her Hand To Head Towards The Car.

"Mrs.Carter!" She Heard Turning Around To See Rumi's Teacher. "Hey, Is Something Wrong?" She Asked.

"No No, Um I Don't Know If Your Husband Talked To You About Rumi. She Is A Very Gifted Child. I Do Believe She Can Skip A Grade But...There's Actually This Gifted School That Opened Up Not Too Long Ago The Tuition Is Ten Grand A Year But I Think She Would Be A Great Candidate. Here's The Pamphlet" Expressed Her Teacher.

Beyoncé Looked Down At The Paper "Yeah My Husband Told Me About Her Skipping But Not About A New School"

"I Know, But Rumi Has Potential...I Just Know Her Gifts Could Be Used Else Where"

Beyoncé Arched Her Eyebrow "Excuse You?"

The Teacher Giggled "That Came Out Wrong...Your Child Is Beyond Smart....Just At Least Think About It"

Beyoncé Looked At The Teacher "I'll Think About It, Thank You"

The Teacher Smiled Waving To Rumi Before They Got Into Beyoncé's 2021 BMW Her Second Car That She Bought For Herself About Two Years Ago.

"I Get To Ride In Paris?!" Rumi Asked. Refering To The Car As She Dropped Her Jaw. Beyoncé Giggled. "Yeah Your Daddy Was Supposed To Pick You Up But Had A Last Minute Meeting" This Second Car Was Beyoncé's Baby And None Of The Kids Rode In It. Not Even Julez. It Was Her Pride And Joy. It Was Her First Time Being Able To Buy A Car On Her Own And Expensive One At That. And She Knew Her Kids Would Ruin The Interior Which Is Why They Don't Ride In It.

"It Smells So Good" Rumi Smiled As They Buckled Up And Headed Home. "That's Because No Kids Been In My Car" She Joked.

They Pulled Up To The House And Rumi Went Straight To Her Room While Beyoncé Checked In On Blue And Julez Who Were Picked Up By Judy. "Did You Thaw Out The Chicken Like I Asked?" Beyoncé Asked As She Rubbed Her Hands Over Julez Curly Fro.

"Oh-I'm So Sorry" Julez Said. Beyoncé Hit Him In The Back Of The End "You Can Remember Them Damn Games But Not When I Tell You To Do Stuff"

"That Hurt" He Said Rubbing His Head. "Now I'm Going To Have To Cook Something Else Cause That Chicken Won't Be Thawed Out In Time Boy"

"I Know" He Said Softly. "Don't Let It Happen Again" Beyoncé Said Exiting His Room To Go Down The Stairs To Pull Out Some Ground Beef.

"Mommy Can I Help You Cook Tonight?" Rumi Asked. "Of Course Baby...Go Get Your Step Stool"

Rumi Raced Up The Stairs Following Her Instructions As Shawn Entered The House.

"Daddy's Home" He Called As Blue Raced Out Of Her Room Followed Behind Rumi. "My Girls, How Was Y'all Day?" He Asked As They Climbed Up His Tall Body Like Monkeys.

"Good!" Blue Said. "It Was Great" Rumi Added.

Beyoncé Walked Out The Kitchen To Join Them "Hey Baby" She Smiled Kissing His Lips. "Me Next" Blue Said As He Kissed Her Lips. "Now Me!" Rumi Said As He Chuckled But Kissed Her Lips As Well.

"What Y'all Doing?" He Asked As Blue Was Planted On His Hip And Rumi On His Other. "Rumi And I Are Making Dinner" Beyoncé Said.

"Daddy Can We Go To Crumble Cookies Now?" Blue Asked. "Now?" Shawn Asked As Blue Nodded Her Head. "I Just Got Home Baby Girl"

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