Chapter 22 - You're my luck

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Your POV

Tonight.. is my big day. Tonight is when I either win or.. lose. I'm not trying to be pessimistic but.. what if.. I actually lose.. will Hancock see me as a failure.. can I even look at her eyes again if that ever happened.. will I even accomplish my goal.. geez.. why am I looking down on myself. I'm y/n. I'm smart. I was chosen by the empress on this knowledge what-cha-ma-call-it.

I went outside to clear my head.. I'm nervous, I don't think I've ever been this apprehensive before. To make matters worse, Hancock is canoodling with that straw boy inside.

honestly, what does she even see in him?? Well I mean.. I guess I'll give them some space to hang out.. as much as I don't want to, I'm not in any place to mess with Hancock's personal life.

I decided to go back to the stores in the area and came across a claw machine with these tiny plushies. one of which caught my eye was this cute chibi snake plush, which immediately reminded me of Hancock's pet, uhhh what's her snake's name called again? I forgot... but needless to say, I definitely should win this for her. I mean.. it can't be that hard right?

15 AMERICAN MONEY WASTED! 15 TRIES! AND I LOST??! How can this be.. do i really suck that much?? Ahh!! I abruptly punched the machine which kind of made the people around me who were walking by flinch. "All right, let me try this one one more time," I said confidently. If I don't win it, I'm taking the whole machine with me.
1-2...3 GRAB!


Well well, would you look at that! I hope the $15 spent on a chibi snake was worthwhile in making Hancock smile. I came back to the arcade block to find Hancock who was talking to Nami and the green haired man, who Nami told me was Zoro.

So THAT'S Zoro.. the one Miss Robin is married too.. He has a badass scar over his left eye, but he's otherwise average. I stood in front of the entrance door as soon as Hancock walked through it.

The wind fluttered through our hair.. her long flowing silky hair.. her flawlessly unapproachable aura.. even the tiniest thing she's done without effort... make's my heart race. I.. truly am.. in love with you Empress Boa Hancock

i finally admitted it.. it didn't take long before I realized it.. I realized it even before the first time we bumped into each other.. well actually.. I lied..

I didn't think I'd be interested in anyone other than the woman to whom I'd given my heart.. but why does it feel like I'm betraying her every time my heart beats for you, empress? Is it wrong to fall in love all over again?

"Y/n? Where have you been?" Hancock asked in a tense voice as she approaches me.

"Just walking around, looking at whatever," I responded. "Sooo, how was the reunion with your lo- Luffy?" I nosingly asked.

She didn't smile neither did she blush just by hearing his name, "It was okay."

Her tone just now.. it sounded.. painful. This is my fault. if I hadn't pushed her that hard, she wouldn't be this sad.

"I'm... sorry for teasing you.. I know he's your past and present lover, I just thought that-"

"Y/n. Whatever happened back there.. or between me and him, it's over. I got what I came here for.." she said with her now normal voice. Is.. she really okay.

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