Chapter 36 - Naive Empress

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Hancocks POV

It was finally Monday. Now that my vacation is sadly over, i have to go back to my priorities. I usually multitask everything, being an empress in some Academy school, managing businesses, and maintaining my social status is quite exhausting

It's almost graduation day for the seniors — which includes y/n

hopefully she got her grades up. She just has a month till she receives her final grades.

i got my computer and checked y/n's transcript

my mouth dropped

Except for her wrestling class, she is failing all of her classes! She's going to fail again this year!

Why is she failing when she obviously has a high IQ? Her assignments should be equal to kindergarten work.

I called in y/n to my office and surprisingly, she arrived on time

"Wow. So are you like my guidance counselor now?" Y/n say, laying behind the chair

"You could say that but unfortunately I'm not. Anyone's grades aren't really relevant to me, but yours are,"I said As I straightened my stance and leaned closer to my desk

"Do you intend to fail for another year? Arent you like what now, 19?" I raised a brow at her. "It's embarrassing how you're supposed to be in college right now but here you are."

"Mehh.. I don't care about any of those. It's really boring."

"Y/n! This is a serious situation. Improve your grades. At the very least, you'll receive a D and be able to graduate! Also, perhaps join some clubs or activities to earn credits!"

She leans in, her hands on my desk. "Make me"

With dissatisfied eyes, I glanced at her. "Didn't you want to get your dear girlfriend a scholarship?"

"Which I accomplished."

"What good is a scholarship if you're not going to graduate, you moron?"

"Hmm.. I really have no interest in whatever you're saying. Expel me, suspend me. Call my parents. Really, nothings gonna change," she say with a sly grin

What's the matter with this girl??? Why is it so difficult for her to just try and pass??

"Y/n. What will make you graduate?!"

"Depends.. are you in the line?"

I slightly squinted my eyes, waiting for whatever proposal she's planning to say

"You have to be my date for the prom."

My jaw dropped immediately.

"You're sadly mistaken if you believe I'd accept that." I say as I lean back in my chair.

why would she ask that when she clearly has a girlfriend??

"Well.. you can take it for consideration-"

"I did, and I refuse. Do you believe I'd go to such lengths to get you to graduate? It's entirely up to you if you want to flunk again."

I gave her a sidelong glance.

"Besides.. aren't you going to prom with that Vinsmoke girl?"

"Hm.. I would but.. won't you get left out?"

"What?" I asked, furrowing my brows at her.

"I'm just worried that bringing her here will upset you."

"How could it upset me?"

"Because won't you be there? Garp will be there, but I'm sure he'll just end up sleeping. But for you, I wonder what would you do."

"You think I'm desperate enough to bring a date to some kid's prom? I've been in your shoes before, dear y/n. And, may I say, a lot of people, both men and women, were eager to bring me in as their date. Naturally, everyone was turned down."

Y/n's face then changed expression

"Don't argue with me y/n when you know you can't stand against me."

She sighs, "Fine fine."

"I guess I'll bring my grades up. i don't have a choice, anyway "she adds, her hands around her head

"What do you mean?"

"This school's getting boring. And I want to relax once I graduate that is. So.."

"And this month, you'll be facing finals," i added


"I wasn't suppose to tell you this just yet but, brats like you, will be facing a different final. One that you must take or else you will revert to freshman status "I grinned.

her face now looked worried

".. What!"

"You may leave now. If you don't, I'll call security."

"Tch," she says as she stands up and walks away.

Garp came into my office just as I was about to leave.

"Well if it isn't Garp. How may I be of assistance to you," I said sarcastically .

"Such a jokester you are empress," he says after sitting down. "How was US? and Luffy guys?"

"Did he not tell you? He's here at Tokyo right now."

"WHAT??" he exclaims, leaping from his seat. "He's here, and he hasn't even paid me a visit?"

"You know how Luffy is. He'd choose his own thrill over anything."

He sighs. "Well so. How's you and you're hard headed student?"

"Welp. For starters, she's not my student anymore. And she's really tough to crack through." I sat back down and rubbed my forehead as I continued, "She's even intending to stay for another year."

"Well.. you should use your 'ability' against her." I thought you said she liked you?" he chuckled

"What? Since when did I say something so ridiculous?"

"Just kidding , I was just thinking if you'd go along with my words," he laughed once more. "You've been with her for almost a month. I'm certain you'll be able to convince her to leave the academy... did you not do that to Luffy?"

My eyes shot up. "That's.. that's different. That's because I had deep feelings for him at the time. Y/n is nothin to me except a pest and a former student."

"Sure. Whatever you say, Empress. He says, staring through my phone, "It's obvious." His eyes were clearly looking at the photograph of me and y/n

I grabbed my phone and quickly flipped it up.

This time he burst out laughing. "Ahh geez. I'm not sure how you can admit your affections for Luffy but not for someone who actually shows interest," he added as he walked away.

But.. I'm not even sure if she does have feelings for me. More so.. I don't know if I have as well..

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