Chapter 39 - What should I do

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"Finally I got your attention," he sighed heavily

"What about Vixon??" I asked again

"His location was ambushed, and he was badly injured. We would have won that fight if they fought fair and square." he says, clenching his fists

I gave him a dissatisfied expression

or y'all are just weak in general .. you could of win otherwise with or without weapons


"What..?" he asked

"You said we.. since when were you a part of a mob??"

"Tsk.." He scratched his nose and groaned, "I knew you wouldn't remember me..."

"Of course I dont. I don't even know your name," I say crossing my arms

"Never mind that. Vixon wishes to see you."

I lowered my eyes. Vixon ... he was like a father figure to me ..

He's the one who introduced me to the criminal world.. he taught me how to fight and not to take any shit from anyone

.. I never saw him again after I left the gang

Of course .. it wasn't easy leaving a gang

I was beaten up by their people .. it's just their common rules for anyone who decides to leave

If I go back there.. who knows what they'll do to me

"Why would he wanna see me?"

"Ugh, you think I know? I'm just the messenger here," he irritatingly responds

"Fine fine. Take me to your leader," I say

"Was that, like, a reference to some show?" he asks, making a sour face at me.

I walked off in an embarrassment, "Just shut up and bring me to him."

When we visited their layout, everything was in disarray. Glasses were shattered everywhere, and tables were destroyed.

I opened their curtain like door and i was lowkey nervous

When I entered, I noticed that they were treating their wounds.

Some faces I recognized, some were unfamiliar.

They turned around to face us

Their expression turned from exhaustion to resentment

"What the hell are you doing here?" Abon (my former partner) shouted angrily as he stood up

"Yo relax. Boss wants to see her" Niku says, putting his hand up to him

He clenched his jaw as he turned back around angrily

i didn't think me leaving the gang would make him hate me this much ..

Niku walked me to Vixon's room and when i got there, my eyes widened so much

Vixon looked like he was on his death bed — he had patches everywhere, even his right arm was on a cast

"Boss," Niku says and that was enough for Vixon to know that I was here

He raised his hand up and Niku left the room

It was just me and him

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