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👆 Nandini's local civilian attire . Only with minimal silver jewelry.


Nandini's POV

The entire army reach to its destination along with us caged in . We all were pushed out of the wooden cage and all our hands were being tied up by a soldier.

All the soldiers were looking at us in a very uncomfortable manner but we couldn't do anything for it .

We just had to bare the piercing looks on their eyes while all my friends along with me were holding each other dearly in terror

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We just had to bare the piercing looks on their eyes while all my friends along with me were holding each other dearly in terror.

In this situation also, my friends were very much trying to protect me. I have never met my Mother as she passed away after bringing me to this world, and these girls and the other maids in my palace were the only females I knew, and held them close to my heart, especially these girls who are my close friends . They have always been with me no matter what , they love me and I love them too , and they all are very dear to me.

I was feeling just like a lamb who is going to get butchered, as We were surrounded with so many soldiers. And god knows what the hell they were thinking as they were looking weirdly at us. We were feeling so unsafe, so helpless for being unprotected for the first time ever in our lives.

Almost every set of orbs were greedily scanning every inch of our bodies. But it shook us more when one of those soldiers advanced his steps towards us and was just about to touch one of my girls, when We heard a loud and strong Male's voice from not very far from us.

"STOOOP !! "

This loud voice made the soldier's advancing hand stand still and instantly pulling it away from her.

Closing my eyes and breathing a breath of relief, I internally thanked god for saving us, atleast for now. Tilting my head a bit to my left I searched the owner of that 'stop' command. The one who made every one halt. I saw a man standing a little far from us.

Who is he ??? I thought being curious.

from his looks itself it indicated that he is a Royalty. He was tall ,had a very mascular physic, broad chest, toned body and was an owner of a very handsome face .

 He was tall ,had a very mascular physic, broad chest, toned body and was an owner of a very handsome face

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