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Nandini's POV

I was carefully placed on his bed by Siddharth Veer and Dhai Ma quickly hustled near me, while I continued acting being fainted. Other maids who came for my assistance were asked to wait outside the room by Dhai Ma just before entering in.

" Off you go, leave her alone." commanded Dhai Ma to Siddharth Veer.

" But Dhai Ma she's --- ?? Shouldn't I call the Royal doctor?" I heard his
confused voice because he was asked to go out of the room.

" Oh, that Won't be needed. I will handle it. I think she got exhausted and fainted, she needs some rest, that's it." Dhai Ma assured Siddharth Veer as she tried to shoo him from his own room.

" But - But - Dhai Ma - she's ...." before Siddharth could say any other word, Dhai Ma pushed him out of this room and asked him to wait outside.

She could have easily told him about this truth that everything whatever we were doing, was nothing but just a sham to stop this fight. But Dhai Ma is a wise lady, she didn't risk uncovering this truth, especially when my father was around. She didn't wanted to take any chances and hence kept this only within me and her.

As soon as Siddharth Veer went out, she closed the door behind him. I slowly got up and sat on the bed, giving her a teeth flashing smile for the success of our plan.

Dhai Ma came near and sat close to me and spoke cheerfully,
"IT REALLY WORKED DHAI MA !!" But I spoke in a louder tone to which Dhai Ma waved her hand down as an indication to lower my volume. So that whoever is outside this room should not come know about our sham we pulled out together.

" Thank you Dhai Ma. You really saved the day. You are a genius." I spoke in my lowest voice. Dhai Ma gave a soft chuckle to hear me appreciate her brilliant idea, But because of some reason her smile died away from her lips.

" What happened Dhai Ma? I asked, losing my smile too.

" This fight got stopped because of you, and it ended in a right way. But there is still a bigger thing which is standing ahead in front of you. And that is' Your departure from Jaisheelgad', With your father. Because he is here to take you with him and as Siddharth has already granted the permission to him, he will surely take you from here. And finally, you will be free." she said giving me a small lifeless smile.

She sadly looked at my hand and took it in her own and continued...
"But I don't know Nandini whether to tell you this, but still being an elderly person, and also your well-wisher, I would suggest you choose wisely. You know your father very well, you have been with him all your life and nobody else can tell you about him in a better and truthful way as you yourself can. So, I would not talk abou your father because I don't know much about him. But ....Yes, I will definitely speak for my son Siddharth, and because both of you were supposed to get married tomorrow, That's why I am telling you this. You may choose to go from here But I am sure you are well aware of this, that Once you're gone, forget about visiting this Palace again for some reason, Your father will never let you take a whiff of the borders of Jaisheelgad again. But if you choose to become Siddharth's wife, then I can assure you with all my heart and soul, that my son will always keep you happy and will do anything and everything to keep you joyful and safe. Now the decision is in your hands, My child. You know it better." Dhai Ma spoke in her motherly tone and left me thinking about everything.


Siddharth's POV

It did not clicked me at the first that Shaktinand was trying to provoke me to fight him. But when I saw Nandini lying down being fainted, and Shaktinand still pushing me over to fight instead of caring about his daughter, that's when It struck me, and I got suspicious about this entire thing.

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