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Nandini's POV

When a glass is broken into a thousand pieces shattering in every corner, It doesn't feel any pain, because it does not have any feelings. But when a human is broken from inside and shattered into thousand pieces ....... it pains ...... It pains so much, and right now, I can very much feel that incurable pain.

No one is to blame for this pain of mine, except for me, myself. I am the one who brought this upon me and my father. I am such a cruel child who has hurt her father, but what could have done ??? I had to do that.

Which daughter would like to do such a thing to her father ??? No one. I, too, didn't wanted to hurt him in this way, but it was the only way to stop him from getting into any fight. And what I did was the only way to let him go from here safely. I know that he will never forgive me for this shameful thing which I told him. A thing which I have never committed.

"I am so sorry, father, that I brought this to you. I wish I could have told you that I have done nothing to bend your head in shame and ruin your name." I thought internally.

It's breaking me from inside, and I'm sure that my father will never see my face ever again in his life. Even if he did not kill me and spared my life, but still, for him, I am just good as dead.

The pain to watch him walk off in front of me eyes was the biggest pain than the pain caused by his grip on my neck was. Which was nothing in comparison to the pain of his departure. I was hurt that my father holds his pride before his daughter, but still somewhere he must have loved me, and maybe that's the reason why he spared my life. I understand his pain, his anger, but again, I had no other choice.

When my father left, I was drowning in my grief, unable to breathe with my painful heart. I closed my eyes when I saw him walk out of this palace of Jaisheelgad. I didn't wanted to open my eyes and find my father gone.

While closing my eyes and crying in my dejection all of a sudden, I felt a hand around me and a warmth of a chest embracing me.
Feeling the warmth of this embrace, my heart gushed with happiness. I quickly opened my tear filled eyes, expecting my father near me and holding me, being unable to leave me behind.
But to my disappointment it was not my father, I open my eyes only to find Dhai Ma who came to hold my hand before I completely submerge in my sorrow. Rolling my eyes to my right, I found Siddharth Veer seated on his kneesl, right next to me, to whom I saw through my blurred vision.

How can this man be such a nice person? Ever since I have met Siddharth Veer, he had been a jerk to me. I always hated him. I looked at him holding an utter disgust in my eyes and took him as a devil in a disguise of a man, but still he had his own boundaries and always maintained his respect towards me, even when he was blinded by his revenge.

He is a man in my life so far, who held anger for me but still controlled and always found a way to respect me, a daughter of his enemy. And that's the thing which forces me to admire and respect him the most.

It has been so many months in this palace, where I stayed in a same room with him, but never did he had his aggressive intentions for me or tried to hurt my honor. And whatever he did with me in the past was nothing in comparison to Whatever my father did to his family.

He always stood by me even when I was clueless about it, and this is not only limited for me as I also had witnessed his same care and affection for his people also. He is the man who gives importance to his loved ones than anything else in his life, and that's what I like about him.

After Dhai Ma left the room
While I still trying to cope up with this fresh wound, which I gave to my father and to myself, the sudden presence and questions of Siddharth Veer was too soon for me to explain anything to him or anybody. And nor was I in a state of mind to do the same.

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