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Nandini's POV

Like Jaisheelgad, the maids here too are very humble and sweet, and I am very glad to receive their hospitalit. I really needed it as the travel here was very hectic and exhausting for me. I have never ever travelled so far in my life, not especially holding a BIG FAN in my hands and sway it all along here to cool his brain less head.

I don't understand why would a person want someone to fan him when he is sitting in a chariot, which is moving in a full speed, enough to comfort a passenger inside with the pleasant wind ..???; But NO, if he doesn't do that, than his goal to torture me is not fulfilled, Right ??

Such a jerk, aaarrrrggh!!

Anyway, I thought that here also I have to be stuck up with this, big bad King, Siddharth Veer Singh , in the same freaking room. But THANK GOD!!, For some time, for some time atleast I got a little chance to be away from his bossy and dominanting eyes. I should be really thankful to his friend 'Mr.whoever he is'.

After meeting his friend he seemed to forget about everything around him, that's the reason why he almost forgot about me for the whole day. It was soooo good to be free, but when I saw him at the door of the maid's quarter last night. I was almost in the verge of crying as I was having SUCH a lovely time with the girls, but thank god again, that he just went away without dragging me away from my sweet time.

I wish that they (Siddharth and Surya ) get married with each other. Atleast that way, may be, he will be less interested to irritate me .....or not. Thinking about this a chuckle escaped out of my lips.

Gouri, here my new friend caught me in my action and asked smiling a little.
"Hey !! What's so funny ?? "

" Nothing ....just a stupid joke passed my mind". I told her collecting some empty glasses left by the guests in the party hall as that was our allotted job.

"I am really tired ....pweff. It was one long day today. " she said doing the same work as me.

"Yes it was." I smiled at her still working.

"Hey! Nandini, can you please check if there are some glasses left there ?? " she requested pointing to the direction at the very corner of this huge hall which was almost near the hall's entrance.

"Okay, sure." I walked towards the pointed direction holding the tray of empty glasses.

As I went looking for it , I ended up far from Gouri, other servants and maids cleaning in the main area. I now was very near to the hall's entrance and there was no sign of any other person here, not even a gaurd. It was night and after the party commotion the palace was silent.

I went out of the hall's entrance and came to the long passage connecting to it to check for the windows, where maybe I could find some glasses

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I went out of the hall's entrance and came to the long passage connecting to it to check for the windows, where maybe I could find some glasses. Looking here and there I found nothing, so I decided to turn my way back to Gauri and others. And just when I was about to do so, I halted on my spot. I thought I heard some instrumental music playing somewhere far, but inside this palace itself. I stayed still and tried to hear it clearly, and this time I heard it right. I learned that it wasn't any of my imaginary thoughts, there was really some instruments playing creating a beautiful tune.

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