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Nandini's POV

I knew that both of our fathers were once friends, but what I didn't knew was the reason behind being enemies to each other. It was sad to hear about whatever Siddharth Veer told me that day about his family. I can't believe that my father did such a thing to his friend and his little sister. I didn't wanted to believe his single word but deep down I know my father's reality even if my father thinks that he had been successful to keep me away from his ruthlessness, savage killings and wrong deeds in his kingdom.

Why will I not believe Siddharth Veer's words when, I, myself very well remember what I saw when I was just about a six years old girl. I saw my father misbehaving with a maid of the palace, in a section of the palace where I was not allowed to go. And when one day I secretly sneaked there, I saw my father grabbing the hand of that woman and forcing her for something - which I didn't know for what. When he found me watching him doing that to her, he sent his men to take me away from that spot. The guard held my hand and took me away from there, but before I could get away, I clearly heard that maid's shrieks and helpless pleadings and also my father's loud malicious laughter.

I was just a little girl back then to understand any meaning of that what I saw, but later it all was clear to me like a mirror.  I never had any right to discuss anything regarding his kingdom and palace's business. No doubt that he took a great care of me and been a good father, but it pains to accept that he is actually capable of inflicting such pain to Siddharth Veer's family.

He was never a good King to his people like the way Siddharth Veer is to his, and that's the only reason why I believed each and every word what Siddharth Veer said about his father's and aunt's death. I understood his pain and his reason for revenge. I wanted to console him, give my condolences to him, but he ran away without any word. When I wanted to talk to him about the same later, he just shut me in the middle and just ordered me to not talk about it ever again.

Sitting on his bed, I am busy making his pillow wear its freshly cleaned covers. While working, I couldn't stop thinking about whatever happened in the swimming room last night.

I should have been a little careful near by the pool. Last time I visited that swimming room I couldn't enter in it as I was in hurry to find my way out of there, but I was really tempted to view the room closely. And why wouldn't I ?? That room is so beautiful and mesmerising, that anybody would.

But Last night I got a surprise chance to visit the same room as I had to follow his order. By the way, who in this earth goes to swimming in the middle of the night ??. I don't know, but I think Siddharth Veer is in some kind of tension, as I always find him off these days, especially after he narrated his story to me.
Don't know what's going on with him.

When I went there carrying his clothes, I was too thrilled to check every corner of that room. After I was done viewing, I came near the edge of the pools and kept this clothes there. In spite of lacking in swimming skills, I was curious to see the pool water closely. I placed my feet on the extreme edge of the pool which I didn't notice to be slippery and when I turned back to walk away I slipped into 1the water.

God !! … It was so weird and highly uncomfortable when I woke up almost naked in front of Siddharth Veer by the pool. It was just not acceptable for me, but the truth is that he saved my life, again. By the thought of 'saving my life 'I couldn't stop thinking about Shourya. It have been so long since we have met, I really miss his company. I cannot go to meet him just like that unless I have orders from Siddharth Veer, and these days he ain't giving any.

As it has been long time I had once asked Ushaji if she knew anyone who is appointed in that prohibited jungle, but she was unable to answer my question, but I still asked her to ask some of her known guards about Shourya but after her inquiry also, I was just left clueless about him.

“Anyway, enough of my thoughts for now as I have to quickly finish my work in his room and visit Ushaji to see her.” I said to myself internally, and that's when few men of this palace came in the room and directly headed
their way towards my bed behind the curtain.

“ Hey !! Where do you think you all are going?? “ I asked surprised.

“ We have orders to take this bed out of this room, "one of them replied.

“WHATTTT ...!! ....Orders? ....  Who gave that? " I questioned them being puzzled.

“ Our King, Ofcourse"

" But…. why would he give this order?? " I asked.

" We don't know anything about that. Sorry.” He answered flatly.

I went puzzled to see this. Without informing me, how can he just order to shift or take away my bed ?? Didn't he was the one to order that bed for me??? So now what happened to get if out???
After all, what he is up to ?? Wasting no more time, I hastened my way to wherever he was.

Reaching to the Royal dining room. I saw him talking to his Subordinates. I stood there, keeping a good distance between them, watching from far. While talking to them, I saw Siddharth Veer notice me standing here, but he deliberately ignored my presence and continued his discussions more enthusiastically.
I knew that he wasn't a dumb man to not understand that I was here for a reason but instead of calling me in or to come to me, he kept continuing with his mouth.

I know he hates me and all that, but these days, he was just behaving weirdly with me.

“ What is wrong with this man ??” I wondered in frustration, deeply  furrowing my brows.

I still stood there angrily glaring at him while He side glanced me but was back to his stupid discussions again. I huffed and kicked the ground being pissed and turned back to stepped out of that room.
Walking a few steps ahead, I was stopped by a very familiar strong and manly voice. 

" Why are you here?? "
I froze on my way ahead and turned to face him. 

" Oh !! Finally, you noticed me." I stated sarcastically "Now when I have your attention. I would like to know, why my bed is being taken out of that room ?? I asked frowning and instantly continued
" Look ?!! …. if you're thinking to provide me with a bigger bed, then let me tell you that I am more than happy to sleep on that. It's just comfortable and soft and......” I went on blabbering in one breath but was cut in the middle by him.

“ From Now onwards, we won't be staying in same room.”
Listening to it, I looked at him with my confused eyes with a question mark on my face.

Instead of thanking him for at last sparing me to stay along with him in the same room.
I asked being surprised, “But … Why ??”

“ It's- it's better that way.” He answered, lowering his eyes sadly and spoke as if he was in some emotional pain.

" Have I done anything wrong??....I mean out - of the blue- this decision ?...... I am asking this out of curiosity. " I asked him like a stupid but I was totally confused.

" No. Not you. It's me who might end up doing something wrong to you.”  He replied in the same painful tone, looking at me as if he was trying to say something more. Whatever he just said right now, his eyes expressed something deep about it. I don't know what, but there was something about it which I was unable to read.

“ What are you trying to say?.... You - end up doing wrong to me??-- I am not getting it.” I asked him more in detail as he sounded so confusing, but like always, this time also he cut me in the middle and ordered strongly in his kingly tone.
“ That's it, You should go. Your stay is already arranged in the maid's quarter with Ushaji. But you'll still take care of my stuff and my room like before as your responsibilities remain the same." stating that, he turned around and marathoned his way back inside the dining room.

First of all thank you to everyone who are commenting and appreciating my hard work but who are sadly not giving any, to them, i humbly request you to give your single comment for each of my chapters updates. 
I write so much to give you my best, but sadly, I don't receive appreciation from most of you. I am sorry if I have hurt you by telling this, but eventually I will only say that your single comment gives me 1000% boosted zeal in me to do even better. 
Be happy and stay blessed ❤❤
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