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Siddharth's POV

After the news spread across my kingdom about Dhai Ma's sudden arrival after a long time, my people of this kingdom wanted to celebrate on her honor. It's not only me alone who loves her, but my people do shares the same feeling for her as they are thankful to her for taking good care of their King when I went motherless. What I am now, it's all because of her. She has played a critical role in my up bringing.

Dhai Ma did not wanted all that celebrations and all, as for her it's not needed but If anyone asks me, I would say 'why not ?'. It's been a very long time since this place has witnessed any celebrations.


Soon the day came when the massive crowd gathered in the big yard in front of my palace. Female civilians performing dance in front of us, while I and Dhai Ma watched sitting in the huge palace gallery which faced the open yard ahead.

 Female civilians performing dance in front of us, while I and Dhai Ma watched sitting in the huge palace gallery which faced the open yard ahead

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From the corner of my eyes, I side glanced Nandini, who stood just behind my shoulder and was enjoying everything in front of her.

After every little while, I involuntarily glanced over my shoulder just to look at her, and I found myself internally scolding at me for doing the same. The celebrations were on full swing, the entire palace was almost empty as all my maids, servants came forward to enjoy the gathering.

Again after some while, I looked over past my shoulder to check on her but to my surprise I find Ushaji standing instead of her. I fought an urge to ask Ushaji about Nandini's whereabouts, but failed.

" Where is she ??" I asked Ushaji politely.

"She was a bit thirsty, Your highness, so she has gone to the maid's quarter to drink some water. She should be back soon." Ushaji told wearing a smile and
I gave a slow nod after listening to her.

"Do you need anything, Your highness? " She asked in her gently tone.

I shook my head indicating no and looked ahead where my civilians came up with numerous dance performances and showcasing their brilliant talents. I, too, got swept away by their amazing show they have brought in front of us. Again I side glanced behind but still, it was Ushaji who stood beside me even after two performances.

" Where is she gone ?" I wondered.
" She's not back yet ?? " I asked Ushaji.

When I asked Ushaji about Nandini, Ushaji suddenly seemed to break up from her trance of watching the show to give a thought for Nandini . Her expression told that she just realized that it was quite a while that she was gone to just drink some water.

" Let me go check upon her, Your highness..." telling me that she just turned to walk away, but I stopped her.

" No, it's okay. I think she'll be back soon. " I promptly replied to her making Ushaji stop from going away in search of Nandini.
But to be honest, I was feeling very restless about Nandini's delay to return.

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