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Nandini's POV 

“ Phew!! " I exhaled out a long breath, which I was holding it for a while.

Thank God !! finally this medicine application thing is done as it was so damn uncomfortable for me to let HIM do that. But he was right about 'the treatment on time' part, more the delay of treatment more the damage will worsen.

Whatever happened yesterday was like a havoc been unleashed upon us by those wild elephants. They were so mad that they killed so many of his men in a blink and tossed our chariot, making us fall. It was just our luck that we survived such a disaster.

I can't thank God enough for saving my life, well….. our life from such an accident, but Siddharth Veer didn't act any less than an God's angel to save my life while falling. I know how he purposely pulled me close to him and embraced me tightly so that I get less hurt. Being an enemy and in spite of hating me from his core, he just saved me.

I know that he must be doing it all because of his tiniest bit humanity whatever is left in him for an enemy daughter like me. But still nothing changes, as once situation gets okay he will be back to his previous jerk form but right now, so far, it's mostly good.

Looking at him really made me feel bad for him for the first time ever as I have never seen him so worn out before. His clothes mostly filled with dirt and torn a little, his body covered with wounds and injuries, his crown missing but still despite of all that, he is still somehow pulling himself together and moving on with a zeal.


"After done applying medicine on my back, Siddharth Veer went out of the cave without evening intimating me about his departure. It's almost mid afternoon now and he hasn't returned yet." I thought  looking at the cave's entrance, being worried about his delay. Wheather I like it or not,
Since he being the only companion in this situation, it will be a lie if I say I'm not worried for him.

I was just wondering about his whereabouts when I saw him entering inside the cave, giving my anxious mind some ease.

He strode in without giving me a glance, as if I wasn't present in here. He was carrying a big bunch of bananas and some fruits and kept them on the partially clean surface of this cave.

As I watched him enter in, I could sense a heavy change in his demeanour which was very different from the time when he left the cave. Before leaving  the cave his gestures were more on a softer side, but now when he has returned , he is looking grumpy and upset about something.

Placing the bunch of bananas on the ground he sat beside it and plucked the fruit from it to fill his hunger. Than suddenly he said ordering without even looking at me, his tone reflecting a little rudeness in it.
“Eat your full, and then we have to move forward to find our way up to the surface road.”

"What wrong could have happened that he returned with a sad face because when he was here grinding and applying medicine he didn't look sad. I think he is sad because of this recent loss of his men in that disaster." I
Thought with my furrowed brows. Feeling weird I hummed as a reply and went near the same spot where he sat.

Yesterday when we were on our silent hunt for a safe shelter in this forest. He really looked very sad. Probably it's  because of the sudden loss of his men. Im sure it's the only reason for his sad and weird behavior. Other than that, what else it could be??

As I went near the banana bunch and glanced at his fallen face and said being concerned in my sad tone.

“I am truly sorry about the loss of your men. This shouldn't have ---"  but before I could finish he cut me in the middle sounding annoyed.
" That's none of your matter to be concerned of."   "And by the way, don't try so hard to be friendly with me, because you can never be my friend. “ He said rudely making my jaws drop in shock and anger.

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