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Hi readers , Sorry for updating late as I was not keeping well for somedays .... but now I am okay and so here by updating this next chapter .. stay blessed and Happy Reading...

Nandini's POV

After coming from the woods only one thing was on my, that is , to go help Shudha and give her a little relief from her busy schedule. Reaching near his room with bucket full of flowers, I was internally praying to avoid encounter with Siddharth Veer Singh. I very well knew that I was late as hell and didn't wanted to face his heat . Stepping inside the room I couldn't thank God more to find him no where in the room.

I somehow completed the given task of those flowers without giving any special touch to it's decoration, because no matter what I do , he would any way never like it.

I hurriedly finished off my remaining work and finally made my way for Sudha. One thing was good today that Siddharth Veer will be busy for the whole afternoon and will not return to his room before evening.

Phew!! This is truly an actual relief for me. I thought internally.

With a relaxed mind I walked out of the room and started moving to where Sudha was allotted for her job. While walking, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the jungle today as It's always a nice feeling to have a friend.

Everything went just fine with us until he yelled at me. Ofcourse , I didn't like his tone , but I know as being a friend he was worried for me when I told him about my escape attempt, and I know that listening to such a risky thing anyone will freak out. But I guess he later understood that why I did that.

Suddenly, I stopped on my way when I noticed that I was in an unfamiliar section of the palace. I went so deep into my thoughts that I didn't even realise that I ended up into a wrong direction. And standing on this spot, every direction and its ways looked same and confusing. All I could understand that I have never been here before, Actually, I never had to.

"God !!.... Why this palace has to be so big ?? ..... it's almost like a big maze ..." I murmured to myself.
I looked around but there was no one for help. Looking into every direction all I felt was lost and confused. Taking a deep breath, I told myself to calm down and after doing the same, I felt a little good and decided to walk back. I understood one thing, that I am standing somewhere in the middle of this palace.

As I walked on my way, I noticed some lights coming from an entrance of a room. Lights coming from a room during a day time is normal but the sunlights coming from this room was quite intense, which lit the curiosity within me and that's why I couldn't stop myself from stepping inside it .
I was not surprised by the huge size of the room but there were two things which actually did surprise me.

First, was an open roof in a shape of rectangular letting the view of sky above and also letting the soft sunrays inside the room, making the entire place glow.

First, was an open roof in a shape of rectangular letting the view of sky above and also letting the soft sunrays inside the room, making the entire place glow

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