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Nandini's POV

Keeping our holy gods and the sacred fire as the witnesses our pure bond of marriage, Siddharth and I, were pronounced husband and wife by our royal priest. This auspicious ceremony of our wedding was held in early evening, in front of thousands of people. I couldn't really see much as my face was cover for the while time since the morning but it was good for me in a way, as I didn't had to control my broad smile all the time.

After the whole tiresome ceremony of marriage, Dhai ma was thoughtful enough about taking me upstairs in my husband's room, which is also my room from now. I was made to sit in the center of Siddharth's huge bed while being surrounded by the army of lady guests and maids. They were all giggling and talking amongst each other non-stop. I never knew that females have such ability to talk all the time. I did like talking and didn't wanted to think like that, but I just wanted to be a little alone for some while, but I suppose it was not quite far possible, at least today.

I was just thinking about it when suddenly Dhai ma asked Ushaji to remove most of the heavy bridal fineries I was wearing.

Ushaji went a little confused about it and asked politely
"Madame are you sure?? Because according to the norms, when the groom unveils his bride, isn't he is suppose to find her properly dressed including all her jewelries ??"

"Yes yes, I know that Usha, but Our king has waited too long to be alone with his wife. Let's not make it difficult for him by over-dressing his queen." Said Dhai ma eyeing Ushaji mischievously.

Reading the hint from Dhai ma, Ushaji exclaimed getting her mysterious point and giggled along with her.
"Oh !!! Ofcourse, Madame."

"Don't you understand ?" I heard Dhai ma whisper to Ushaji "the more jewelry worn, the more delay it will be for him to start. You know what I meaning, right !!??" Dhai ma said and again exchanged a giggle with Ushaji.

Hearing this I felt blood gushing to my cheeks and ears. Suddenly I was filled with anxiety and fear about whatever they were implying to say. Ushaji and Dhai ma wasn't even finished when another elderly lady said remembering how painful it was for her in her first night, and how she got pregnant in the very first go. And being an old woman she was quite elaborate about her details, which sounded pretty terrifying to me.

I started breathing hard, clutching my hands tight hearing all this and thinking about me being alone with Siddharth as his wife. I was silent but there was a set of raging tornadoes swirling inside my chest, wondering about my first night anxiety.

There was no doubt that I always felt safe and protected around Siddharth Veer, but after listening to the brand new details given by that old woman, the core of my heart started to tremble.

Ushaji noticed me and my worrisome face. She understood the possible thoughts in my head as a new bride, so she tactfully diverted the topic to something else so that current topic doesn't bother me anymore. That was indeed very thoughtful of her, but little did she knew, that the fear was already implanted in back of my mind, and nothing could be done to put me in ease now.

I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably when four maids came and already started to remove my jewelries all around my body, leaving some on my neck, nose, hands and ankles. Soon one by one, majority were lifted out from my body, and I felt it easy to breathe without much weight of those ornaments on my chest. On one hand I was glad that they were removed, and on the other hand, my heart sunk thinking that the only shield - which were these too many ornamentsm of mine, were gone which was the only thing could have kept Siddharth away from me.

I didn't even realize that the time flew by, when a maid rushed in, announcing the arrival of the king. Hearing the same Ushaji quickly covered my face with the veil while other few maids hurriedly started to set things around like they were never touched before. While it was done, the entire crowd of the ladies present inside the room started to leave quickly in a queue. Soon Ushaji and these maids too left along with the trailing out queue, leaving me behind alone and the room.

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