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Siddharth's POV

''Your highness........?"

"Your highness.....??" Called a voice to which I jerked my head to look at the source of it. It was one of my minsters who was trying to bring me back to the discussion which I completely zoned out from. I was having a meeting with them for the betterment of Jaisheelgad as there was some areas which were facing drought problems.

"Your highness, are you okay??" Asked the other one of them.

"Yes ...yes. " I said trying to get in the same page with them. But for the matter of fact I completely lost the track of our discussions as I wasn't able to concentrate on anything. I really was failing to understand what was wrong with me now. I was restless because of the guilt to hit my friend, but after putting Nandini, the real culprit into the dungeons I should have been in peace. But No. On the contrary, I was even more upset then ever.

Joining back to the discussions with them I took some important decisions to solve the problem and after a little while it was time for luch. Everyone sat forming a circle to eat, and as well as discuss further more. We all were quickly served with lots of royal delicacies in our plates which looked so yummy.

As me being a king, all of my Subordinates were waiting for me to have a bite so that they can start their luch too. But the moment when I brought my hand to my mouth for my first bite. I stopped. I stopped as my own words echoed into my ears.

" ....don't give her to eat anything for the whole day ! "

For a moment or so I just remained paused like that. Those words of mine kept ringing into my ears. Though my mind was upset and it was not at peace, but now I was not angry any more. And as my mind was out of the grip of my anger, I could now figure out that why my mind was so restless. It was because of..HER.

My conscience started shooting me with many was she really a culprit ...?? Was my friend absolutely innocent...?? Was he not trying to misbehave with her??? Didn't he deserved to get hit by me??? I felt numb as I was now swimming in an another dimension of my thoughts.

Only one thing kept on ticking into my mind that she was in the dark dungeon, and she was starving.

''Your highness...? Is there anything worng ? " They asked anxiously, bringing me back to them.

Without answering the man, I instantly kept my torn bite back on my plate and got up to stand. I asked them to continue with their lunch as I was no longer hungry. They all looked at me like I was turned into a bird with horns.

Without spilling anymore words, I turned away and took some slow steps toward the corridor. My mind was still juggling with some other thoughts, a dilemma, whether to realise her or not . As she is my enemy's daughter, she is still in my hate book. So theoretically she should be there, but definitly not starving.

Coming to my decision, I ordered my gaurds to get me Ushaji, the head maid. Meanwhile I came to my room and after a moment Ushaji arrived.

''Your majesty, you wanted to see me ?? '' She asked with her head little bowed in respect.

I Very well knew that here Nandini only felt free with only Ushaji, as she is kinda comfortable with her.

"Ushaji, I want you to do some thing for me ??" I looked at her determined.

''Anything, your highness.'' she said with little confusion playing on her face.

I looked here and there to check if there was anyone near us , as I want it to be secret conversation.

''I want you to prepare a luch plate, and.....and ....," I hesitated than finally blurted out
" give it to Nandini , she is in the dungeons. '' I said ''But, she should not know that I have sent you at any cost, infact no one should know , OKAY ?" "You tell her that you secretly brought her lunch. Is that clear??"

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