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Siddharth's POV

"Shambhunathji, are we providing good help to the drought effected areas and also meeting the need of the people....??" I asked to one of my Minsters in the court.

"Yes, your highness. we successfully have. And also getting helps from the neighbouring areas." He answered assuringly.

"Good, Make sure that the effected people get all the benefits, and yes, very importantly; donot charge taxes from the people of that area atleast for next one year. They have faced a lot." I ordered.

"I am sorry your lordship......, but it's going to effect our kingdom's treasures fund." He said looking worried.

"May be, but I will never pressurize my people
for just filling up some treasure funds. And by the way we can baer it Shambhunathji". I assured him by nodding.

"Any other cases ??" I asked addressing to my Minsters, to which they looked at each other and shook their heads meaning 'No '.

I ended up the court meeting and headed to my room. While walking on the way the entire memory of the morning came gushing into my head.

In the morning, when I was calling Nandini for a little help, I got no reply from her because she was not in the room. As far as I knew about her work, in morning she never went out of this room which made me wonder about her whereabouts. Then immediately it clicked to me that I have purposely ordered her to bring me my favourite flowers. The task about which I had totally forgotten. I was feeling so stupid to send her alone to the forest which is strictly prohibited by me for people's safety. Even a kid knows about the restrictions on jungle visit, in this kingdom.

Yeah.......ofcourse the outskirts of the forest is not dangerous. But the depth of it is not less then any hell and she knows nothing about that place.

When I remembered about it, it was too late. I couldn't be clam after knowing that she was already gone. I couldn't think of anything in hurry as I was totally tensed for her safety.

For once, I thought of sending Ushaji , but what will she think about it, about me being so concerned about Nandini. And I did not wanted to take her help again like last time. Then I thought of sending my men there, but again, it was also an absolutely idiotic idea as I don't like any man hovering near her, that too especially in an alone place like forest. All of a sudden an idea clicked to me to disguise myself as a soldiers and hide my face in order to hide my real identity.

Within no time I hurriedly arranged and changed into a soldier's getup and rushed my way to one of the secret doors, which is secretly and only known by the Royals of this palace. This secret door opened towards the forest.
But when I reached there I found nobody around. No sign of her anywhere. I randomly looked into every direction for her but nothing, so I decided to walk into the depths.

And there in the palace, if my general would come to know about their King roaming in the prohibited woods alone, he would probably bursted me for this. But that time my eyes was desperately looking for her everywhere as nothing else crossed my mind. I was walking fast, looking almost everywhere. All of a sudden someone bumped into me and I finally sighed a breath of relief to see her in front of me. But she was not alone, as she had brought me some company.

I found two of her friends standing infront of us. I very well knew who they were and why they were chasing her. But at first I had to assure her that I wasn't there to harm her. Luckily my instinct worked before could I open my mouth to speak. I quickly changed my voice so that she doesn't recognise me by my voice.

To save her I had to fight with them. well, I have to admit that it was a real fun to fight after a long time as in the wars. I don't really get to fight much. Not especially one- on- one fights as my powerful army does that for me very efficiently.

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